Wondering if anyone has any good, recent zombie movies (or shows) to recommend? Zombies aren't going away anytime soon, and perhaps we'll even see an uptick in them in response to the current pandemic. There seems to be plenty of fare already, though, on Netflix, Shudder, etc. So, what has stood…
This is a movie that tries to do a lot of things. It's a zombie movie, it's a comedy, and it even attempts to be political satire. Does it do all these things well -- no, but it isn't totally bad.…
In present day, a decade after the last of the Cabrini towers were torn down, Anthony and his partner move into a loft in the now gentrified Cabrini. A chance encounter with…
A cool new zombie film opened up last weekend you should check out, entitled Contracted: Phase II. It's about an infectious disease that slowly rots away its victims from the inside out…
Peninsula takes place four years after the zombie outbreak in Train to Busan. The Korean peninsula is devastated and Jung Seok, a former soldier who has managed to escape…
Saw this and thought I would share it:Early Reviews of World War Z are GoodThat's a relief after much of the news reporting the contrary.--R.J. Spears
While this isn't strictly a zombie picture, it does have zombie-like possession in it. While I like gore as much as the next person, this movie didn't work for me. It seemed the gore and shock were the only reasons that this movie was made. I did like the new twist they put on it with the…
Cockney's vs. Zombies is one of those rare zombie action/comedies that really works. It's not as funny or snappy as Shaun of the Dead, but there were some good laughs, some gross zombies, and good acting across the board.…