Zombie Movies

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Zombies of Mass Destruction

This is a movie that tries to do a lot of things.  It's a zombie movie, it's a comedy, and it even attempts to be political satire.  Does it do all these things well -- no, but it isn't totally bad.

It takes a while to get going.  They tease you with zombies at the start of the movie and then the first attack takes place about 30 minutes into the movie.  It is a good one, though.  

The acting is fairly good with some actors better than others, but no on is terrible.  The special effects are good with plenty of gore.  

The jokes are uneven and some of the direction is weak in places, but there are worse zombie movies out there.  My biggest problem is that it takes too long to get going.

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    benito,benny hinojosa

    i fucking love this movie,!!!  one of the 8 movies to die for horror fest, !!!  bad-ass movie, !!!

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      isn't this the one with the clockwork orange style gay rehabilitation in the church? That was a fucked up scene.

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        Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

        I have been think of Zombies of Mass Destruction &

        I am going to see who is Streaming this Gem...