Zombie Movies

Post links and embedded videos here. If you are bored stop by and watch a movie or five. I did not upload any of these movies. They are ALL are hosted by other sites. Let me know if and when some of these stop working please.

Early Reviews of World War Z are Good

Saw this and thought I would share it:

Early Reviews of World War Z are Good

That's a relief after much of the news reporting the contrary.


R.J. Spears

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    Brian de Castro

    Much of the negative news was based on reports of script changes, added reshoots and the huge budget, without anyone having seen the movie. Jaws was revising script pages every day, and it turned out alright. Reshoots are common too. As for a huge budget, you still pay the same $10 or so to see it, so who cares. The media likes to sink movies ahead of time when they can - it didn't work for Titanic, but had an effect on Waterworld, The Abyss and John Carter. World War Z looks unbelievable, based on the trailers alone so far, and now that the reviews are positive, even from those who say they don't like these kinds of movies, it's even more encouraging. The first big-budget, epic, global-scale zombie apocalypse movie - can't wait!

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      benito,benny hinojosa

      fucking bad-ass,!!! love this movie, !! can;t wait for pt2=3 to come out ,!!!!

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        maybe they'll actually use something from the bock this time, even max brooks admitted all they used was his title.