Zombie Movies

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Latest zombie movies?

Wondering if anyone has any good, recent zombie movies (or shows) to recommend? Zombies aren't going away anytime soon, and perhaps we'll even see an uptick in them in response to the current pandemic. There seems to be plenty of fare already, though, on Netflix, Shudder, etc. So, what has stood out of late? Thanks!
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    Brian de Castro

    I saw Peninsula in the theater, and yes, it was alright, but it paled in comparison to Train to Busan. I still have to check out Alive. Haven't seen any other zombie movies of late, but some good horror films that are non-zombie related are Spontaneous, Sputnik and The Mortuary Collection, the latter on Shudder. Also saw Monster Hunter, with Milla Jovovich, in the theater, and that was pretty cool.
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      Brian de Castro

      OK, cool. And yes, I've got Alone on my radar to watch as well.
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        Brian de Castro

        That's on my Shudder list to check out. Did you like it?