Cockney's vs. Zombies is one of those rare zombie action/comedies that really works. It's not as funny or snappy as Shaun of the Dead, but there were some good laughs, some gross zombies, and good acting across the board.
You start out with some crusty old folks about to lose their retirement home and a really bad plan by one of the resident's grand-kids to rescue the home. It rolls from there with a zombie outbreak and the ride across town to get to the home. I would give this one two thumbs up.
Brian de Castro
Yes, this was a surprisingly good and fun-filled zombie movie with some welcome gore too. Having some young people team up with retirement folks was an inspired idea. And it was cool seeing Honor Blackman, aka Pussy Galore from Goldfinger, who still looks great, along with Michelle Ryan, who played the Bionic Woman on NBC's short-lived remake. Definitely worth checking out.
Feb 10, 2014
monkeycstars (cassandra)
I usually DO NOT like horror and comedy to mix, but I thought this movie was really funny and stupid in a good way. I was bored and decided to watch it on Netflix. Everyone should at least check it out.
Feb 10, 2014
benito,benny hinojosa
love this movie, !!! have it on dvd, and blueray, !! i can watch this movie over and over, !! its a must see movie, !!
Sep 10, 2015