Zombie Movies

Post links and embedded videos here. If you are bored stop by and watch a movie or five. I did not upload any of these movies. They are ALL are hosted by other sites. Let me know if and when some of these stop working please.

Contracted 2 is Infectious New Zombie Film!

A cool new zombie film opened up last weekend you should check out, entitled Contracted: Phase II. It's about an infectious disease that slowly rots away its victims from the inside out before they succumb and become zombies. It's bloody and gory and gross, with some dark humor as well. It's a sequel to the more slow burn original, Contracted, which is on Netflix. If interested, I did a review of this new one on my website,  Gore4.com. And, if you can, like our facebook page too: https://www.facebook.com/gore4horror. We cover all things horror, including our beloved zombies. It would be great to get some new fans. Contracted: Phase II is currently in select theaters and on VOD-it's definitely worth seeing.

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    i really have to sit down and watch this it looks so awesome

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      I havent seen yet,but it looks great:)

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        Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

        I Really Enjoyed Contracted because it Changed up the Zombie Genre in a Wicked Way.
