Wicked Zombies


your down to your last two shot gun shells, your traped in a house, 200 zombies are out side trying to eat you, you have 2 gallons of gasoline, a mop, and 4 cans of spray paint, and one awsome gold zippo, how do you get out with your life?

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pour the gas on the zombies light the mop on fire using the spray paint and throw the mob out along with my zombie eat zombie bombs and im home free
Pour the gas along the perimeter of the front portion of the house with a trail leading towards the backdoor. Place the four cans of spray paint stratigically in pooled up gas near the middle of the house. Use an upstairs window to draw the attention of the zombies to the front of the house. When the front door gives, light your gas trail and open the back door. You have two shell in case any stragglers get too close. Make your escape from the zombie infested house as it burns.
leave a gas tank by the front door were i have lured the main majority by banging the windows, leaving a gas can in the lounge, strategically placed ,leaving a trail of gas to the backdoor,conserve my bullets for when shit hits the fan, pack my pockets with the spray cans,soak the the mop with gasoline,make a mess of obstacles for the zombies with furniture,open the front door, run out the back, the mess will procrastinate time allowing more to enter the trap, once the house has flooded with them, lite the gasoline drenched mop, throw the the Zippo at the gasoline trail, kick a window open, some where were there is less numbers(lets say it's only a one story house,which isn't mentioned) ,jump out the window,spray cans strapped, mop in front off me using it as a flamethrower, burn there eyes, if they can't see ya, they cant grab ya,it is impossible to get them all, main key would be to weave ya way threw quick smart,side step the incoming football team of zombies.and find refuge in the night,save ya gun for when ya really need it, that is what i would do if i new there was no way to stopping them getting in the house, even if it was barricaded.
I would first go into my attic, which requires a seperate ladder to get into. I'd pull the ladder up. Then I'd use the vent that leads to my roof and pull the supplies up. I'd pour the first gallon of gasoline over the group of zombies until it's empty. Then i'd rip the threads of mop off and tie as many of them I can to the nozzle of the spray paint, and soak them in the gasoline. Then I would light the paint cans and throw them over, using them as improvised explosives. As for the remaining zombies, I'd soak the end of the mop in gasoline and light the end with gas, brushing the mop against them until their dead. I'd try my best to save my last two bullets.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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