Wicked Zombies


Hey Boils and Ghouls,

   Yesterday I took my Conceal Carry Permit course...I passed EVERY thing with class score of 95, Written test 97 and the Shooting test 100...I have been so ecstatic about passing, that I even came home and dove in correcting my technique in which I was training my kids...So if I fail to in explaining things, please forgive me....

   I am writing this and recommending getting and obtaining your Conceal Gun Carry Permit. This is not only a safety measure as for the world today and the acts of other, but also as a hand tool in your Z-poc preps. Though it takes a lot of training and tons of practice in order to become proficient with any handgun or rifle. We tend to try and mimic what we see on TV and on Videos that we think is cool. Even though we civilians think we have the right technique, I found out during my CCW course that I was and we are all wrong. 

   Not only did we learn the laws and the responsibility with carrying a sidearm concealed, but we also learn the Isosceles stance and how more Efficient the stance is with handling the handgun, but also that when the time comes to run or clear an area, that the mobility in which this stance allows you is incredible.

Image result for isosceles stance

   Those in the military and police work know what I mean when it comes to the stupidity of the civilian's idea of holding a gun is...

Here are several NO NO's when it comes to holding a handgun....

Image result for isosceles stance the way he is holding his gun is wrong. He has no control of his weapon and after recoil from firing a shot he would most likely be hunting for the front sight....

Image result for pictures of holding a handgun This is a another NO NO...

And for you gangster types, This is totally BULLSHIT!!!!!!

Image result for pictures of holding a handgun

The proper and tactical way of holding a handgun is pictured below.....

Image result for pictures of holding a handgun  On the side where your thumbs are, this is proper. This allows for better control of the handgun...

Image result for holding a handgun  This is the other side for the proper gripping of your handgun...

   I'm including a video for proper handgun grip.

   Then there is the stance. The Isosceles stance has been one of the best improvements in my fighting techinque which has helped me in my shooting...Yes, I used to do what I saw on TV and movies and it was hard as shit to hit the target...Granted I would end up getting lucky and hitting several rounds on the target, but would miss more then hit...

   During the course of the CCW permit class, the instructor took his time and demonstrated the Isosceles stance and the benefits which law enforcement and tactical military trainers prefer this stance... It was one hell of an improvement to my shooting and I have proof...

  With the video in which I am including, it shows both the Weaver Stance and the Isosceles stance...I find for target shooting and practicing that the Isosceles stance works way better for me...

Image result for isosceles stance         Image result for isosceles stance

   I like the Isosceles Stance better, do to my shooting and grouping has improved over what I used to do...

Those shots outside of my main grouping were done my way and then once I was taught proper stance, you can see the hole in which I created in the target....


Five benefits of concealed carry permits

1. Licenses put police officers at ease


Many firearm owners carry a weapon in their vehicle(s) for protection while on the roadways and around town.  Get pulled over by a police officer and he or she may ask if you have a firearm in your car.  Answer truthfully.  In unrestricted firearm states, the police officer cannot lawfully confiscate the gun from you, but the presence of a firearm can affect the traffic stop because the officer is unaware of your criminal history. Showing the officer a concealed carry permit shows that you have undergone the necessary background checks, and for the state to reasonably believe that you are a law-abiding citizen and are trustworthy enough to carry firearms.  If you are pulled over with a gun in the car and have a concealed license, consider giving the officer both your driver’s license and your concealed carry license together, immediately putting to bed any concern the officer may have over your firearm. Some states require you inform the officer immediately that you have a license and are armed.

2. Licenses help when openly carrying around uninformed people

Many firearm owners openly carry where laws allow for it.  While open carry is a perfectly legitimate way to carry a firearm, it may also arouse suspicion among people who are generally uninformed about firearms and afraid when they see one.  They may call the police and report the fact that you are carrying a weapon, and police departments are obligated to respond to the incident and start asking questions.  So long as the laws allow for open carry and no other laws are being broken, the firearm owner will be okay.  However, displaying a concealed carry license to the officer is an extra level of protection against aggressive law enforcement that may want to give you trouble for openly carrying a weapon.  Effectively, the concealed carry license tells the officer “back off, I’m good.”

3. Licenses allow firearm owners to carry in more public areas

Many states that do not require licenses to own and carry firearms still restrict where owners can carry their firearms – like schools, courthouses, national parks and restaurants.  For example, the state of Arizona allows concealed carry license holders to possess weapons within 1000 feet of schools.  Without a license, however, such possession is unlawful.  Arizona also allows license holders to carry firearms into bars and other restaurants that serve alcohol, so long as the firearm owner is not consuming alcohol.  Unlicensed firearm owners, however, cannot legally possess firearms in these establishments. Consult your local state’s concealed carry laws for specifics on your state’s licensing details.


4. Licenses educate firearm owners on laws that could save their lives

The process to obtain state concealed carry licenses is more than a simple background check and proficiency test (in some states).  Typically, those interested in a license will go to an 8-hour class where experienced instructors will not only teach what licenses provide for state residents, but also the laws of the state and when deadly force can be used.  For example, is shooting at a fleeing carjacker considered “self-defense” in your state and an appropriate situation in which to use deadly force?  In Arizona (and most other states), it isn’t – because the carjacker is no longer threatening your life or property.  Is unholstering your weapon considered “brandishing” and punishable under the law?  The concealed carry license class will teach you what you need to know to keep yourself out of jail if you ever need to use your weapon in a defensive situation.  Know your laws.

5. Licenses make it easier to buy firearms

All states require simple background checks each and every time a weapon is purchased due to the laws and regulations of the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms).  However, several states, including Arizona, wave the background check requirement if the purchaser has a concealed carry license.  States do this because the holder of the license has already undergone the required background check in the process of obtaining the license.  This makes your next trip to the gun store smoother and quicker.  You will still need to fill out some paperwork, but waiting for a background check may no longer be required.  Again, consult your state’s regulations for specific details on how a license affects your next gun purchase in your state.

   The reason I went and got my Conceal Carry Permit has to do with several things I've seen throughout our society. The main and number one reason was it falls on me to protect my family and myself. But also, I feel it is our right, BOUGHT AND PAID FOR IN BLOOD of OUR SOLDIERS...Second reason is, if society failed or the Z-poc were to ever break out, I would not be stuck in some place with others and not be able to defend myself from the hordes of the living trying to steal from me or have no way to defend myself from the undead...

   I recommend this to everyone...My reasoning may not sound like it's based on a solid platform, but trying to put my feelings and thoughts into words is hard...Some of you will know what I am trying to say and understand....Others may look at this and say, this guy is nuts...But once you take the course and become a legit Concealed Carry permit holder, you will understand....

   For those who don't know if they can get one in their state, I'm including a site that allows you to find out....


   Hope you all find some of this helpful and I don't mind if people who carry comment and add mor info to this post...Because I'm still excited that I passed every aspect of the permit class and can soon carry....

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congrats man sure wish jersey had concealed carry. on the plus side i recently found out that all the bull shit gun laws dont apply to riffles and shotguns. no license required baby.

Yea as long as you can pass the background check. NJ does not like guns though, I swear they don't want anybody owning them.
I recently went to purchase a carbine rifle and was denied, but I'm not sure why, a CCW is on my list of priorities but apparently I have some sort of issue with the state that needs to be worked out. Pissed me off

Sounds like y'all need to move out of that state...Sounds like NJ wants to make victims instead of excepting the real fact that allowing honest people carry guns...That's all the real fact is...The longer states like NJ and others that refuse to allow conceal carry would actually cause a drop in the crime rate...

   Here in TN, ever sense Obama is trying to put in place his Islamic gun grab, not only has the carry permits increased and gun sales have increased, crime rate has dropped...Because more people are taking it upon themselves to protect themselves and others....

   I know where I will not be going...You guys need to head west....(LOL)

I'm actually in PA. We're still an open carry state, I dont know what issue flagged me, but it sucked.

probably some bull from years ago, like that guy who got arrested fro not returning a VHS 12 years ago.

yeah if anyone in your immediate family has issues with the law then that counts against you. even if its someone you never interact with. it sucks. and jess if i could i would but our finances just took a shit after my grandfather died. we counted on him to keep the family afloat now scraping by.

See, I think the way they hold your family transgressions against everyone in the family responsible is totally ludicrous...They have actually taken your right away because of your bloodline...I do think that is against Federal Law...You all should be looking into that...Because they CANNOT hold you responsible for actions of someone else, even if they are in your bloodline...That is actually a form of discrimination...

   But I don't know shit about NJ, except that I will NEVER step my feet there...Not if they are prohibiting my right to my Blood bought constitutional right of the 2nd Amendment...

   I'm feel sorry for you guys, but to live in any state that refuses me my rights Bought and paid for in blood by our men and women in the military and our fore fathers, there's no way in hell I would live or visit or even piss on if it was burning....I would do everything in my power to get the hell out of that state...Even if that meant selling everything I had and just leaving with the clothes on my back and backpack...

   Sorry guys...

yeah it sucks. One day I'll get out one day.

Dude, never say one day...It's a curse...Most of the people I know are still stuck in Illinois...They always said, One day I'll be out of this state...They're still there and for my old group of friends The Lost Boys, I'm the only one that has left...

   SO I always say, never say SOMEDAY, just say, I'm leaving soon...Its what I used to say and I've been a lot of place since then....

alright sounds good to me.

The main thing with having the Concealment Carry Permit, YOU MUST look up and even find out if where ever you go outside your state of issued permit, will honor your permit...SO I did some research and found out a lot of states will honor your permit from other states...You just have to know which ones....

Just so others in TN are wanting to know who honors the CCW permit, here is the list I received from the posted link...I also included the ones that don't honor the permit...You have to search your local state Reciprocity...This will allow you to know what states will honor your CCW permit...



Recognition of Out-of-State Handgun Carry Permits

  1. Tennessee now recognizes a facially valid handgun permit, firearms permit, weapons permit, or a license issued by another state according to its terms, and will, therefore, authorize the holder of such out-of-state permit or license to carry a handgun only in the state of Tennessee.
  2. The person must be in possession of the permit or license at all times such person carries a handgun in Tennessee.
  3. Tennessee will enter into written reciprocity agreements with other states that require the execution of such agreements.
  4. If a person with a handgun permit from another state decides to become a resident of Tennessee, such person must obtain a Tennessee handgun permit within six (6) months of establishing residency in Tennessee.
    • All applicants, regardless of permits issued by another state will be processed as originals. The applicant must be twenty-one (21), take a DOS approved handgun safety course, complete the Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit application, provide proof of U.S. Citizenship or Lawful Permanent Residency, pay the fee, and be fingerprinted.
    • Licensing requirements are not included in the reciprocity agreements between states. The mutual recognition of handgun possession privileges between states has not changed and is listed on this website.
    • A facially valid handgun permit, firearms permit, weapons permit or license issued by another state shall be valid in this state according to its terms and shall be treated as if it is a handgun permit issued by this state; provided, however, the provisions of this subsection (r) shall not be construed to authorize the holder of any out-of-state permit or license to carry, in this state, any firearm or weapon other than a handgun.

States Recognizing TN Permits

  • Alabama
  • Alaska*
  • Arizona*
  • Arkansas*
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Florida*
  • Georgia*
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky*
  • Louisiana*
  • Maine
  • Michigan*
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi*
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire*
  • New Mexico*
  • North Carolina*
  • North Dakota
  • Oklahoma
  • Ohio*
  • Pennsylvania*
  • South Carolina*
  • South Dakota*
  • Texas*
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington*
  • West Virginia*
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming*

* Indicates the state has a formal reciprocity agreement with Tennessee

(NOTE: Persons with a valid Tennessee Handgun Carry permit should contact any state for information on carrying such handgun prior to entering the state.)

States Not Recognizing TN Permits

New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island

  These places that want to deny me my right to carry, DON'T deserve for me to see their state or grace them with my money...Just like any local business that posts signs in their stores DO NOT and WILL NOT get my money....Deny me my right and the ability to protect my family, you are not good enough for me to patron your business...

   So just remember, there will be places you can't carry, the main ones I know you can't carry in are Schools/ Hospitals/ Federal Buildings/ Courthouses...

   Just remember if you apply for the CCW permit in your state, it is up to you to learn where you can carry....


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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