I found this list some what lacking, i fell it skipped over a lot of the less thought about threats that a zombie apocalypse will cause. This list only takes into account the actions taken by humans. What about the actions set in motion by the lack of humans. all around the world every day there are massive system in place that require human intervention to prevent catastrophic failures from happening.
1: Compressed liquids, gasses and radiation: In every major city n every factory thousands upon thousands of gallons of compressed liquids and gasses sit careful regulated and contained by human hands. Everything from refrigerant to natural gas. unfathomable amount of gas run under our feet all the time. And if you live in NJ like i do where most of refinery for the country are located you have just giant bombs, that if put together would probably equal the explosive force of a small atomic weapon just waiting for the day humans disappear.
With out human supervision the city's will be racked with earth shattering explosions with in the first few weeks of the zombie outbreak. That or flooded with escaped toxic chemicals poisoning the air land and water. Finally lets talk about going nuclear shall we. Not even addressing all of the nuclear power plants dotting out fair country and one of which could go full Chernobyl on us, thee are many more nuclear storage facility housing spent nuclear fuel rods that essential have to kept in a giant swimming pool feed with fresh water because the heat from the roads evaporates it. massive pumps and reservoirs are designed to work without human supervision. but in lack of a functioning power grid back up systems can only run so long with out people getting involved.
several weeks is again all we could hope for. at which point the water will run dry the roads will be exposed and well despite the obvious explosive damage, which will be smaller then an atom bomb even though there will be vastly more material. but because of poor fission control will result in only light damage, (relatively speaking) but high radiation leakage and fall out. America is basically destined to be an irradiated wasteland regardless if any nukes are actually ever launched. now mother nature is pretty good at soaking up the radiation, and with out us constantly cutting her down we can expect clean up and revitalization of these areas fairly quickly, in a planetary sense, several hundred years should do. Speaking of mother nature taking back control.
2: Massive flooding: Humans are great and bending landscapes to our wills, we re direct rivers, build oases of greenery in barren deserts and build massive developments in areas that should be hundred of people under water. If you've ever been in a stuck in a flood after a heavy rain storm then you know where not suppose to be in areas below sea level.
whole towns have been practically washed away by bad storms and thats with billions of dollars and giant complexes of machinery to keep that very thing from happening. when people aren't around to power or maintain those systems then natural balance will come back real fast after just the first heavy rain. any city below sea level will soon be a giant flood concrete swamp again. I'm on the top of massive hill and if the water level rose just a bit more and no one was around to pump it out i would suddenly have beach front property. literal hundred feet outside my door ocean, I've seen the statistical models to prove it.
These are only to examples of what humans not being able to do our daily lives will bring us and it already means flooded radioactive poison city craters. Forget the zombies or even other humans, are biggest threat in world over situation will be the very systems we put in place to serve ourselves.
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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