Has anyone ever considered, what material would make a light-weight, flexible, and most importantly, bite-proof armor? I remembered Snipes's ATV tire, armor in the Demolition Man movie, and that got me thinking. What other materials, could work, and how feasible would it be to craft them? I picture a hybrid mix of Samurai and Stormtrooper, myself (and, apparently, I'm not alone in this).
depend on what you want to do. do you want casual protection from the stray zombie bite. Then multiple layers and stiff clothing are your best bet. denim jeans and jackets would be the best option. The material is made to be strong a rip proof, so it will probably stop a stray bite.
But if you want to walk through a crowd of zombies then your out of luck in anything but iron man type gear. You would be quickly knocked off your feet and slowly opened up like a can of human meat. after all every armor has fundamental weak points in the joints. even if your armor is tough enough to keep the zombies fingers and teeth out. You'll still be flat on your back in a pile of cannibal corpses just wishing they would end it already.
Now if your looking for a medium option then riot gear is your best bet. Should let you face off against multiple zombies at once. And really isn't that hard to get a hold of. of course you might want to save it for battles against other living bad guys. or until you have to go into a tight confined spaces with multiple zombies. but remember nothing is going to protect you if the zombies knock you down, then your dead meet.
I'm going to start from the bottom and work up with each of my suggestions....
For your feet, I suggest Lineman Boots...You should be able to see the reason behind that...
I like these because of the protection they give to the calf. They are made from thick leather and snake bite and dog bite proof. At least for the ones I have, which I had picked up for $250 bucks brand new when I work for the telephone company in North Carolina, the top of the shaft damn near covers the full length of my calf muscle...
I like both of these...Jeans and leather...Both are tough and allow for free range of movement. Plus they can be worn all year...Just make sure to either wear underwear...Though leather you would want to get the hell out of during the summer of course, but both
The next thing I would like to suggest are the shirts and jackets...
I would suggest having T-shirts and Denim shirts...These denim shirts are not only tough as hell, but they also add a layer of protection in which adds to the outer wear...The body does sweat and after sweat is absorbed into the shirt, it becomes a natural way to cool the body...
The next thing will be the denim and leather jacket...
Denim jacket would be good for the spring and summer, while the leather would be nice for fall and winter...Still the same mobility, (if purchased the correct size)between both of them...
I would also suggest one of my most favorite jackets...It is an Oilskin Duster or what others call a trench coat...I like the oilskin type of dusters because they are great when caught in the rain...The water actually rolls off and you stay dry... I have this and have worn it all winter long during the rain and snow...Not only did it keep me warm, but also my legs stayed warm...The trick to an oilskin is not to wash or dry it...The true method of cleaning anything oilskinned is just hang it up and spray it down with water...NO SOAP...You can take a sponge to wipe some of the more stubborn spots...After wiping and spraying it down, just let it hang dry...This is an actual picture of the coat I have...I love the hell out of it...
The next thing I would like to suggest is a Hockey Neck Protector...Actually I took an idea that Saint mentioned to another zombie bite protection discussion when Rhino was here...I actually thought about it a long time and I am planning on purchasing one...Because after thinking about it, it really makes sense....One of the few things Saint has suggested that works good...(LOL) JUst messin...
The next thing I would like to suggest, are racing uniforms...
The only thing or problem I see with these are they'll be hot as hell...I can see these being in use by a lot of people...Full body protection, light weight, bite proof...Only downfall is the breathing of the material....
Now we also have Riot Gear....
I see a lot of places that a zombie could bite, but with the right under clothing that wouldn't even a major problem...
Like most things, these are all suggestions...Nothing looking like a stormtrooper or some samurai...With the armor of the samurai and the stormtrooper, there's not a whole lot of movement in which a novice would be able to operate properly...The one thing you have to remember when it comes to Zombie Armor, you have to be able to be mobile and have full range of motion for all your limbs...
Now for the hands, I will suggest some kind of biker, riot or MMA fighting glove...This will help with hand bites and protect your hands from falling and the cold...
I like these, because they also protect your knuckles from knocking the shit out of someone or having to punch your way through a inner house wall...Plus they still allow you to shoot and improve grip on melee weapons... As for the head, I have my double down doubts on a lot of the so-called zombie helmets out there...Yes I feel a riot helmet or a motorcycle helmet will do very well...I will use a motorcycle helmet or racing helmet, (Aint that much of a difference), to protect my head if I have to use melee weapons inside a building...But other then that, I'll keep my cowboy hat firmly on my head for anything outside...I don't want any of my vision compromised when outside...There are some vision impairments with helmets of any kind...
Anyways, these are my suggestions for the best and lightweight armor for the Zombie Apocalypse....
You also have to make sure your Zombie Armor fits your climate...Here in TN we have only two types of weather, Hot and wet, cold and wet...There's nothing in between...EVERYONE HAS TO MAKE SURE THEIR BUG OUT BAGS, EQUIPMENT, WEAPONS AND GEAR FITS THEIR PART OF THE WORLD....
Your preps and gear must fit you...It would be like a person in Florida buying preps for mountain survival, while a person in the mountains prepping with gear for the plains...It makes no sense...
So make sure everything fits you and your world....
i love that we said basically gave the exact same recommendations, great minds think alike. Oh wait I'm the only great mind here, never mind then lol. often imitated never duplicated.
You wish asshole...(LOL)
wish in one hand shit in the other right?! or is it the same hand, no you dont want to shit on your wishes life does a good enough job of that already.
Amen to that one...(ROFLMAO)
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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