Wicked Zombies


Ok - I noticed that George A. Romero Zombies go like this. One day the "recently deceased" no matter how they died,rose up and starting attacking the living. Then the people that they didn't completely consume would die then join their ranks. Do this make sense to you? I mean in your understanding of the Zombie phenomenon? An example of this is in Romero's Land of the Dead -an old man in an apt. across from Kaufmans in Fiddlers Green hung himself and when his son went to try to take him down he turned and attacked his son. Everyone who dies no matter what the cause turns into a Zombie? It seems odd to me cause I've never seen it that way but since looking into it I found that to be the reality in Romero's Zombie world. And with George A. Romero being the Grand daddy of all things Zombie. How many of you good people see it being that way too?

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It depends if you believe the cause of Zombie-ism to be a virus, or similar, or due to the fact that one day there really may be "no more room in Hell".

Maybe all people who die re-animate and a zombie's bite is fatal leading to the mis-conclusion that it's the bite that causes zombie-ism.
Yea I saw Dawn of the Dead when I was 5 years old and even then I rolled my eyes at Peters "No room in hell" line. It sounds really cool but(and I know the word "realistically" can sound foolish when talking about Zombies) realistically speaking I doubt Hell factors into it at all. You see priests and nuns shambling around as ghoulish as any..the re-animation thing hits good & bad people alll the same. Morals don't seem to play a role at all. Little Zombie babys? those little Zombie Toddlers couldn't have been on their way to hell. Of course this is only my opinion. Maybe Dora the Explorers really an evil little bitch.
and not to overkill but...I believe in God..always have..hell? maybe but as a believer in God I believe in the soul. Zombies have no souls. So how is it that theres no room in hell? the devil would have no use for empty shells.....c'mon!!!! I want to know!!! something definitive!! LOL its keeping me up at night.
Well the virus could be airborn, but doesn't take effect until the body is empty of life. If someone was shot and killed, then they'd rise because they'd have the virus in them. If someone who was with them ran away, tripped, and broke their neck, they would change even if they weren't bit. It's scary if you think about it. There's no escaping it.
Yea Exactly. If that's the case then it's truly the End of Days. Our swan song. Survival becomes pointless. I mean only so you don't have to feel what it's like to get torn apart and eaten like some baby Zebra..you can run as long as your legs will carry you but you fall asleep next to another survivor who happens to have choke on his or her tongue and you wake up with them chewing on your face. If it's how I always thought of it..and how Max Brooks thinks of it then we can actually beat them. We can see the Enemy and they aren't us...or some shit like that anyway.
so in that scenario...we'd all be carriers..and the idea of finding a cure actually starts to matter. In my eyes anyway.
OK - I have notice this as well. An example of this is in George Romero's Diary of the Dead -when Mary Dexter shot her self in the head. Her friend rushed her to the hospital only to have her die and turn into a zombie. In Night Of the Living Dead there was no official kause of the zombie outbreak.

i looked into this one myself. and having watched the original B&W film George Romero made an observation. in the film, they made mention of a cosmic radiation that was occuring the same time that the dead was rising from the dead. i also noticed that they neither denied or confirmed that it was the cause. but it is something to consider to if it helps when it comes to the Romero films.
um...We're not talking about what causes it, We were speaking about the very nature of the phenomenon. Whether this is what becomes of natural death or do you need your living blood infused with some sort of virus? If the formers the case then the apocalypse will never be over. We are over. If the latter is the case then staying alive isn't only self serving, rebuilding becomes something worth working for.
There's no telling, really. No official virus has been discovered yet, or at least pubicly, but with all of the H1N1 shit going around, as well as all types of unknown viruses in government test facilities god-knows-where, it's only a matter of time until something surfaces.
you got that right brother. 100% correct. and i have a real bad feeling that it is sooner then we think. its all a matter of time. no matter how short or long. god help us all.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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