Wicked Zombies


HERES PART 2! there IS some flaws that  my PC made and im a kinda upsat but here it is!

Please comment accordingly.

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ooooh! movie night! *passes popcorn around*

okay I'm just comment in real time as I watch it cuz this is kinda nice. I'm almost 3 minutes in but right away I just wanna say AWESOME. It really does feel like I'm watching a movie. I like how the appearance is SO different from the first one and I also love the small amount of dialogue; it's so cool and sorta pulls you into the story. Second I loved seeing you with a gun lmao. I felt a swell of pride at how you held it; very controlled. and I LOVE the zombie kills. That cool little blood splash thing is awesome.


...but now I have to rewind lmao cuz I was typing. whoops.

but just a SMALL tweak. when you're holding a gun make sure your hands are touching. it'll help with the recoil. the way youre holding it is good it's just you have to marry your hands together. your thumbs should be touching. other than that, perfect.

oh my god this kid is fearless. all his kills are face to face. props.


...there's so much stuff in that basement. god i hate clutter. *pause the movie* mm mm. the basement s unsafe, too many places for things to pop out of seriously how come no one has a spotless basement ever? smh. my basement would be a sterile walmart store. like, exceptionally organized and clean that just distracted the hell out of me lmao. *presses play*

i am with you. everything is very well put together. i love the fact there is dialog, interaction with zombies, the whole package. but where i dont agree with you is the criticism on the basement. you gotta keep in mind people like us are preparers. the average person is not. so the condition of the basement is very accurate of an average American basement. adds to the realism of the whole shoot. i also like the fact he picked up a journal. this means that he can narrate as he writes his day to day feelings and thoughts as he is now forced to continue on in a freshly occurring z-poc. cant wait to see the next installment.

for the record...

I wouldn't talk like this in a movie but this is kinda fun so I am now but I really like this. Really. It's really cool and now that I'm towards the end it really comes off as authentic, like a video blog of what really happened even though it clearly has the whole movie edit thing going on. although, i do understand the flashbackness of it and I thought it was really cool like 'OH! that's what happened' it still got a little confusing. but other than that I loved how it all wrapped up and came together. good job!

OH YEAH!! i like this. real good job Komrad Tom.

Very good, I loved the blood on my screen

Did you see the movie?

Yes, I was talking about the the technical blood

This short is by one of our dearest KOMRADZ!


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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