Wicked Zombies


One night a year, all crime - including murder - is legal for 12 hours. A man heads out into the chaos, intent on killing thugs as revenge for his son's death, but ends up rescuing a stranded couple.


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Who is going to see THE PURGE ANARCHY?

I am thinking about it. THE PURGE was an awesome movie. I just hope this one does it the same justice. I hate when a sequel is not as good as its predecessor is. 

Will definitely be seeing this on the big screen. The first one was cool, with the action taking place mostly in and around one family's house. This sequel looks to open it up to the whole city, which will allow for a lot more action.

I saw the trailer and it looks like the star is going for revenge and get into a whole other purge scenario. I will be seeing it opening weekend!!!
Got to admit. It makes you wonder what it would be like if they actually would let a whole nation do a purge once a year. Would it actually improve things or serve to make things worse.

I can't wait to see this one...I actually liked the hell out of the first one...I really liked the concept, I could see America actually becoming that way...

I have always wondered. Would a purge make things better or worse. I mean envision it if you will. Once a year for 12 hours. All crime is legal to purge out pent up rage or whatever. Can it work? And if so, should it be done? It could mean the end of a lot of nasty crimes like murder or rapes, thefts, vandalism. Why? Because for 12 hours once a year. It would all be legal. Total purge.

Yeah, I could see something like that actually coming into law...But if it ever did, I feel total anarchy would end up taking over and that's when we would most likely end up taking out ourselves, rather than some foreign country invasion...

It would be a fun time though. Look up that one person that gets on your last nerve and go purge by driving a car up their ass at 80 mph. The ways to purge could be endless. Ever see that special toy you want and think "if I could take that home right now, I would"? Wait for purge time. The whole world for 12 hours is you own special Walmart. Just take that toy and anything that comes with it as a reward for spending 356 days and 12 hours for being a good boy. There would be tons of benefits to a nation wide purge. I mean think about this for a second. I am sure even Komrad Venessa would love the opportunity for this one as a purge. If you ever knew a particular person with a booze problem and thought "GOD I would love the opportunity to shove that bottle so far up their ass that they shit vodka for a year". The purge would allow you to do just that thing and get away with it. So many pluses to it that the options to purge and the benefits are so endless. I would vote that into law. Lol.

12 hours to PURGE with a DRUNKEN LOW LIFE I would be in my GLORY!   

OH YEAH!!! Lmao!!! Here comes that bottle and NO lube. Rough ride the whole 12 hours. Lmao!!!!

Being our history with that one. I just KNEW you couldnt resist this one. LMAO!!! Cant blame ya either. If the purge was real. I would give her to ya with a big red bow on her head and a complementary bottle of vodka just for your purging pleasure. LOL. Want me to hold her down for ya?


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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