Wicked Zombies


Just something I thought I would throw this out there...I'm in the process of writing a book. This isn't your typical zombie outbreak book in which the idiot characters don't know what is happening.
This is an adventure of a prepper who believed in the Zombie Apocalypse, prepped for the Z-poc and now has to face the separation of him and his family with miles between them...With his parents and siblings only 30 miles from him and his wife and kids over 1300 miles away, does he choose who to save??? Does he try to save them all??? Can he save them all?? Or does saving one mean losing the other??...

So would you guys want to read something like this?? Where the harshness and brashness of the main character can damn near make you hate him??  Until he is faced with some really heart wrenching situations involving his mentally handicapped Brother and Nephew...Would you like to read something like this??

Let me know what you think...Damn thing isn't finished yet and of course it still hasn't got a title yet....

   But seeing if anyone would read a story like this is a good way to see if I should continue the way it is, or go back and begin changing everything around and turn the main character into some emotional, guilt ridden, dumbass who has no idea what the hell a zombie is...(LOL)

   Even if you wouldn't like to read something like that, tuff I'm still writing it...(ROFLMAO)...Just kidding...

   Now seriously, let me know what you think...



(P.S.) It's a work in progress so it may take me awhile to get it fully edited and out for the public to read...But once that has happened, a few of you will be chosen to receive a copy of it and you will have to post a review of the book here and possibly on Amazon as well...But more on that when it's finished.....

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I would be very interested in reading your book!

Cool...Not many people seem to want to read something that has any character within the story, that has some knowledge of prepping or even what a zombie is...That's why I decided to write this story...Give the main character this rash, harsh and sometimes "Fuck You" attitude that could make even the most die hard zombie fan hate him...

  I'm trying to keep the main character as hated as possible for the first few installments of mini series I'm trying to put together...Try and do about a 5 or 6 part series and then combine all the series together to form a complete book...

   Just have to get back writing on it, had some family problems come up and had to get them took care of and had to put a few things on hold...Hope to be caught back up by the end of the week...maybe....(LOL)

count me in bro. and after all. i gotta read what my favorite weeble has to write. your family to me. lol.


hey, man, to hell with what other people 'want' to read.  personally, i'm sick of the whiny protagonist types.  but you did sort of contradict yourself, haha.

In any event, write what YOU want, regardless if anyone reads it.  at least that way you can have the knowledge that you didn't compromise your vision for more perceived popularity.  i can understand your perspective, though.  the book i'm writing has less chances of being read than the scribbles on a bathroom stall in Zimbabwe.  in fact, i'm positive that the only human being to be in possession of it will be the one using it as 'exhibit A' in my prosecution.  it's twisted, vile, convoluted and morally reprehensible.  but it's MINE.  no one can change that and no one can take that away from me.  writing has become very therapeutic and cathartic for me in working out a great deal of my issues- both military and life related.  so don't be that guy that says what everyone wants to hear, say what you have to say and let it fall how it falls.  there's way too much horror fiction out there that's just trite and vapid- don't contribute to that, if you feel like you've got a unique angle, run with it.

all i ask is that you don't make it one of those 'left behind' kind of things... i hate preachy bullshit, lol.

i'll do you one better- i'll not only read it, but i'll give you constructive criticism and offer suggestions on works in progress.  i'll even give you my personal email so you don't have to post anything online, should you not comfortable sharing with the class.

so yeah... um... i'm in.  put that in your pipe and smoke it. 


i agree. its not whats popular that should be the story line. its what your vision should be Jessie.


Well, it looks like I'm writing it the way I want too, even though it was going to be done that way anyways...(L)  But there's a difference in being some pity party, why me, cry in my beer character and mine...Though he as the ability to separate his emotions from the situation, the heart still gets in the way...

   As for it being preachy, NOT A CHANCE!!!!  This isn't going to turn out to be something where I use this to force feed my views on God or religion or whatever...I don't like when people do it to me and so I'm not going to do that to any one....

   It's a basic zombie story, where the guy has to deal with trying to save his family and his family...If that makes sense to you...We all have two families, those who are married anyways, your mom and dad and brothers and sisters and then there's your other family, wife and kids....

   Anyways, Thanks for the feed back and will be getting back to writing it in the morning...Had a ton of family matters come up and have been trying to deal with that shit, plus people needing me to help them with whatever, so I've been busy as shit here lately...Tomorrow I'm going to sit down in front of this thing a get the next 3 chapters wrote out, even if that means duct taping the kids and the wife to the ceiling....(LOL)

good to hear, jessie:)  there's definitely a difference between having emotions and being emotional, if you follow.

and you can present your views on whatever you want within the confines of your story without being preachy.  it's all about context and delivery.  i've found myself presenting my thoughts on more topics than i anticipated while i'm writing, the subject matter alone lends itself to doing so rather fluidly, imo.  i've included everything from my views on society, religion, civilians to what i thought about the first time i was under fire.  you can do these things to give dynamics to characters and situations without resorting to standing on a soap box.  a good example would be Robert Heinlein's 'Starship Troopers' where he presents thoughts on society via classroom lectures on the fall of western civilization.  this genre, at it's core, centers around the demise of everything we know, what we do about it and how it affects us.  furthermore...

you THINK it's a basic zombie story now, lol.  but when you get down to it, you'll find yourself exploring so much than that.  otherwise, what you've got is nothing more than a novelization of Left 4 Dead- which could be fun, but wouldn't have any real meat on it, you follow?  i believe it's entirely possible to create a story with great characterizations while maintaining metric fucktons of violence and brutality without becoming like "The Walking Dead", which is good, but sometimes you just wish they'd shut the hell up and kill something, you know?  honestly, i'm curious about your story- i'm single, childless and my blood family disowned me after i enlisted in the Army, the only family i have is my extended relatives of comrades in arms- and only one of them i count as my 'true' brother.  

you should read "The Rising" by Brian Keene, it's the story about a man searching for his son during Z-poc.  Great book, but it lacks depth in a lot of areas.

anyways, just my thoughts on the matter.  good luck knocking out some pages and i, for one, look forward to seeing what you come up with.  keep us posted.

   I read that book, The Rising....It was awesome...I loved it...There'll be plenty of violence and killings in it along with some off the wall jokes and probably some grand standing, but the grand standing I'm going to try and bring in as thoughts...So hope it works out....(L) 

   But most of all I'm going to make it more of an adventure in which the main character has to deal with who to trust, who needs killing, (besides the zombies), losing that which he holds dear to him...

   So I'm dealing with the opening right now...Have five chapters completed, its the opening that seems to be the hardest in creating...So far I've re-written it 3 times and it's still slow as fuck...It's like watching a Tom Hanks drama and trying to figure out what the fuck is going on because the movie has a long drawn out start....

   Feel like I need to work on it more to get it right....So once that's done, it'll definitely set the pace for the rest of the book...If within the first few chapters I'm not drawn into the world, I find it hard to keep reading...So I take that point of view when writing my book...SO if I have to struggle through the first 2 or 3 chapters in reading it, I know I have to go back and come up with something that snatches my attention and can hold it...

   There's going to be a few things in the book where I'm sure as hell know people ain't going to like, but they'll have to either deal with it or just simply put the book down...

   So with the weird sense of humor, the no heart reactions to situations and the harshness and the crudeness of the main character, I feel that there'll be a shit storm of bad reviews...(LOL) But hey, at least I got my story out there....

   So tomorrow I'll be working back on the story...Looks like I'll have a lot of time now, the weather rain downed about a inch of ice so no going out the rest of tonight or in the morning....So I'm hoping to get a lot done tomorrow....Today I took a day off to be lazy and to spend time with my kids for a few...

   Well got to get back to watching the repeat of the walking dead, I missed the first showing due to falling asleep...(LOL)  Kids wore me out....(LOL)

You ain't done writing yet!? What in the name of bald headedness is keeping you shiny??? Lmao!! WRITE BOY! WRITE!!! Lol. I want to read this book.

man, i know what you mean about openings, lol.  i'm writing mine in a nonlinear fashion, i write what part of the story hits me at the time, but i had the same problem with my opening chapter.  wrote about 3 or 4 myself, haha, but, like you, when i thought about the tone i wanted to set, it was easier to find which one to lead with.

one thing i did first was to create the whole world my story inhabits- not just the characters, but geopolitical climate, economic state, every last detail of the hows, whats and whys that take place on both the small and large scale.  i made detailed notes covering every aspect of my story.  that took the better part of 18 months to nail down, believe it or not.  but with that out of the way, once i put my characters into play, the story started to tell itself.

that doesn't mean i haven't found myself surprised by the actions, thoughts and behaviors of my characters.  they never cease to find new ways to do everything but what i intended them to do or to do them in ways i could never have predicted, and usually for the better of the story.

keep us posted and let me know if there's assistance i could provide for you.

Lets get the Wicked writing flowing Komradz!


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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