Wicked Zombies


any of you who play paintball know the guns can shoot incredibly fast and hard. especially the higher end ones or ones that have been modded. so i was wondering could you shoot a hard projectile out of one and use it to kill a zombie? something like a marble or maybe better yet a ball bearing as they are organized by size which will be very important. i don't think modding the gun will be necessary so long as you have the right size ammunition. to small and the co2 will flow around it making for a week shot. to big and you risk it getting stuck in the barrel causing a catastrophic failure. not as bad as if a live round went off in a real gun but enough to damage the gun and possibly harm the user. but if it does work it will be a great option. its nearly silent when compared to a real gun, can fire just as many rounds per sec as any modern machine gun. probably kill but perhaps at a little closer distance which is fine considering you don't want to waste ammo on targets that are far away and there for pose no threat. theirs no problem with over penetrating when your in the close confines of a building. ammo will be light and I'm sure heir are personal sized options for refilling the co2 cartridges. or you can fill them up at any garage that has welding equipment. and a paintball gun has far less maintenance then a real gun. only thing I'm really questioning is the strength of the barrels to handle shot after shot of heavy loads like ball bearings. so what do you guys think?

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i have no problem with that. and i have no problem with you dealing out your brand of justice. after all, it does fall into the when in rome rule. because sometimes the romans would instead of executing a murderer from another city or village for a murder in rome would make the city or village he was from decide his fate. so i can do this. i can even let the person be executed by you and your laws. reason being he was in your camp when he did it. so we are more then on the same page on this. hell. if they would do something as stupid as kill someone that defends them. i would kill them myself to preserve the peace and satisfy justice. and you know you would have my backing in case of war or any large scale operation. what kind of friend would i be otherwise. and when it comes to outside operations. the only way i would even think of letting one of them join in on or mix up in it in any way is if they were willing to join your people to begin with. and any of your people if they ever become unable to continue with the line of work you do for any reason. they will have a safe place to retire to. a guaranteed home with three hots and a cot for as long as they live and if they wish do do anything in the way of a job. then that job is theirs for life as well or as long as they wish to work it. rewards for defense of the community being there will be no money anymore. do we have an successful parlay? and when it comes to the Governor. i always thought he had good intentions no  matter how he personally might have turned out. so i cant help  but think that in a finer time in his life when he formed his community that had he not lost his family. he would have been a different man and may have welcomed with all sincerity Rick and the group at the prison. but i will always feel it was the loss of his family that drove him over the edge and made him the man he was. and i cant say i would have been any different. when it comes down to it. who can?

good then we've successful negotiated so if after zday we meet we got it all worked out. and as for the governor yes he could have started out with good intentions but hey so did Hitler. no ones evil in their own mind. yes the loos of his family played a big role but you don't become that twisted unless something was wrong in you to begin with. psychopaths are born psychopaths it's in the hard wiring of their brains. we can look at a persons brain now and say that persons a psychopath. but not all psychopaths go around chopping people up. they need a trigger, usually child hood abuse. other wise they generally end up as captain's of industry. it's characterized as being extremely goal oriented and doing anything to succeed. in fact most leaders in order to step up and take on that roll need to have a little something loss to begin with in my opinion. most people want to be followers. so in the governors case yes the death of his family was the trigger but but all that evil was already inside him from the beginning. people have lost family since the begging of time and all of them don't go around killing off whole towns. but then some do. you get my point.

we have an accord then? sweet.

you know it friend

You guys ever think about getting ham radios for after TSHTF ? I got a 5 pack of handhelds for 80 and I'm getting a car unit for 160 and a game base unit for around 500...that way we will still have comms during ops

i got a couple of hand held ones myself. communication is a key to any group survival.

Also gonna get a few green laser pointer to mark locations or silent communications....just aim them in the sky they have some good 10 mile range ones

didnt know about that on the green laser pointer. good to know. thanks for the info.

yeah i got an old cb I'm trying to get running, had to cobble together a power supply for it out of an old computer now i just gotta make the antenna, i got all the cable for it but i need a special meter to help dial it in, also gotta figure out how to hang it up.

ohh and for secure communications while you have line of sight you can makes a laser communicator out of laser pointer and a solar cell out of one of those walkway lights. it's uses are limited but it's cool and will cost you under like 5 dollars. also it might have some applications. can also be used as a form of trip wire.

I have two SWR meters in which you are talking about needing, I can get rid of one, but the other I can't, it belonged to my grandfather and it works better then most of the new ones out...Hell, the new ones I see out are selling for around $50.00 bucks, I'ld let the extra one go for 25 plus shipping...Let me know what you think...

sounds good can you send me a pic of it and maybe we can work out a deal.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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