Wicked Zombies


any of you who play paintball know the guns can shoot incredibly fast and hard. especially the higher end ones or ones that have been modded. so i was wondering could you shoot a hard projectile out of one and use it to kill a zombie? something like a marble or maybe better yet a ball bearing as they are organized by size which will be very important. i don't think modding the gun will be necessary so long as you have the right size ammunition. to small and the co2 will flow around it making for a week shot. to big and you risk it getting stuck in the barrel causing a catastrophic failure. not as bad as if a live round went off in a real gun but enough to damage the gun and possibly harm the user. but if it does work it will be a great option. its nearly silent when compared to a real gun, can fire just as many rounds per sec as any modern machine gun. probably kill but perhaps at a little closer distance which is fine considering you don't want to waste ammo on targets that are far away and there for pose no threat. theirs no problem with over penetrating when your in the close confines of a building. ammo will be light and I'm sure heir are personal sized options for refilling the co2 cartridges. or you can fill them up at any garage that has welding equipment. and a paintball gun has far less maintenance then a real gun. only thing I'm really questioning is the strength of the barrels to handle shot after shot of heavy loads like ball bearings. so what do you guys think?

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i'm sorry to hear about your family but i do understand seeing a whole group of people gunned down in front of you in a drive-by will open your eyes to a lot. not as bad as what happened to your family but i know the underworld. i agree punishment should fit the crime and criminals shouldn't get off for what they've done. but it's a slippery slope I'm worried about the long run. once you set a system to freely strip away the very core of humanity then who's to say where it will end. no one should have that kind of power because history has taught us thats it's intoxicating once you start you never stop. before you know it we'll have racial cleansing here in the states just like they do in war torn Africa. by all mean lock them up, throw away the key, don't give them any luxury's but never forget that they were once children just like us, with family's. and what ever twisted them up inside so much to make them into this, is but for the flip of coin go we. would you like men with guns kicking in your bedroom door at three in the morning telling you your no better then a dog for the way you look, the god you prey too, or the politics you hold. you can tell a lot about a country by how it treats it's criminals, just saying.

when it came to mercy towards a criminal of violence. mercy has NEVER been my strength of character. the slow and painful road to china has always been my motto. that is why i been a big fan of old sparky or the gas chamber. stick a light bulb up their ass and light 'em up or watch 'em choke on cyanide gas is my mantra. as for the light crimes. i agree with Jessie. give them jail. just not a pleasure resort with all the amenities. four walls, 2 meals tops (nothing fancy), a hearty work program that covers their stay, and a sleeping bag rather then a bed. make it where they wont want to repeat offend for the prison route. a hard hand forms a clay vase. a soft hand makes just a pile of wet clay.

now who said anything about mercy, actually I'm in favor of the death penalty don't regard me as some pussy pacifist and truth be told I'm not saying all this out of good will toward men or the human condition. I'm covering my own ass me and the system don't see eye to eye on a lot of things. right now how ever my god given civil rights protect my fat ass and i want to keep it that way. i don't want to live in some Orwellian bullshit because people thing were being to easy on the trash and start passing laws that tie the noose that hangs us all. if you think prison is a cake walk then you don't know it. I've had family locked in the slammer. nothing horrible just the result of bad decisions and crocked cops. try spending a week in a holding cell because the cops refuse to push your paperwork through because in high school you treated them like shit. then imagine that cell is crawling with bed bugs. you even been attacked by bed bugs in swarm. i have and i still have the scars. granted thats from a regular filth house. they come out when your sleeping and you don't even feel them when they bite. but you wake up cigaret sized holes in your flesh in trails up your arms and legs. they itch so bad you want to rip your skin off and sometimes you do. and scar look like you've been shooting up so you gotta where lo0ng sleeve shirts all the time or you get these looks from people. and all this is before you even get to prison and the story's from there i won't even get into and their from a woman's facility i don't even like to imagine the sick shit that goes down in the men. frankly speaking prisons of any kind don't work, the few ones who get the idea and turn their life around are far out weighted by the ones who see it as a carrier movie. i would suggest other options perhaps even surgical but thats a whole nother mess of hypocrisy. the worlds fucked deal with it and hope for a brighter future.

lol. dude. the only real bright future is Z-POC. that is when the reset switch gets hit on the whole world. lol.

not real it will be the same shit thats always going on, only thing that will be gone is the veneer peace and tranquility. whether its nations or gangs it's just people fighting, killing and trampling over each other for anything they can get a hold of. as long as humans are what they are everything will always be the same. those at the top step on those at the bottom and those at the bottom take it and smile and hope they don't catch the wrong side of a bullet. zombies or not! the only thing that might change is the places. the ants can become kings and the kings can become ants. it's a chance for no body's to become somebody's and i don't know about you but if it happens i plan to carve out a nice little empire for my self with my own two blood soaked hands. or did you think we'd all sit around singing kumbaya while organic gardening with our own shit. 

i always liked the title warlord! the blood drenched saint, has a nice ring to it don't you think?


lol. the name does have ring to it. lol. i have plans on rebuilding. dont get me wrong. and yes, it will be bloody between the zombies and people. after any catastrophic event. it will be. but i dont see myself as setting up as a warlord or dictator. but rules will be established and consequences for the breaking of them. but anything that falls in the line of a violent crime will have only one outcome. the minor stuff will have a punishment according to the crime and only as sever as the crime calls for and the penalty set up one notch each time they re-offend. the three strikes rule if you will with the third strike being banishment from the colony. the governing part i have to work out yet. like whether to have elections again or the next in line like the eldest son being the one to rule after me. that kind of thing. but the last thing i intend to do is a peaceful sing along of kumbaya my lord amidst the belly of the proverbial beast. gardening behind the built walls, yes. using human waste to fertilize it? oh hell no! lol. might as well put toxic waste on those veggies and i will take a pass on both. lol.

so your mad max and I'm lord humongous interesting.

   He may be Mad Max and you Lord Humongous, I guess with the rules for the West Tennessee Sektor compound Haven, (which my family saw the other day, I'm being known as "The Dragon"...Just for my strong stance on crime....

i like the method they had in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome when it comes to swift justice for the violent offenses. instead of staining my soul with their bad karma. let fate decide.


for the minor offenses.


a set of punishments that make even the hardest of hearts cringe. none of them fatal mind you. but bad enough to make anyone think twice about breaking the law twice.

i could be game for that, and even though we have different approaches i wouldn't mind working with you rhino post outbreak. you can be the shield protecting people rebuilding and me and my guys can be the sword, the warriors, the ones who handle all the dirty work. so long as i can have complete authority over my guys. just like if the raiders and oil works joined up to take on the rest of the wasteland in the road warrior. think of what you could do with a lord Humongous at your side.

i can do that. together we can bring order to the chaos. justice to the unjust. and law to the land.

okay you can do that i just fight the wars, i really wan to earn the nick name. what about you rhino what do you want want for your nom de plume, man killer rhino, or maybe something more like law bringer rhino?


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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