any of you who play paintball know the guns can shoot incredibly fast and hard. especially the higher end ones or ones that have been modded. so i was wondering could you shoot a hard projectile out of one and use it to kill a zombie? something like a marble or maybe better yet a ball bearing as they are organized by size which will be very important. i don't think modding the gun will be necessary so long as you have the right size ammunition. to small and the co2 will flow around it making for a week shot. to big and you risk it getting stuck in the barrel causing a catastrophic failure. not as bad as if a live round went off in a real gun but enough to damage the gun and possibly harm the user. but if it does work it will be a great option. its nearly silent when compared to a real gun, can fire just as many rounds per sec as any modern machine gun. probably kill but perhaps at a little closer distance which is fine considering you don't want to waste ammo on targets that are far away and there for pose no threat. theirs no problem with over penetrating when your in the close confines of a building. ammo will be light and I'm sure heir are personal sized options for refilling the co2 cartridges. or you can fill them up at any garage that has welding equipment. and a paintball gun has far less maintenance then a real gun. only thing I'm really questioning is the strength of the barrels to handle shot after shot of heavy loads like ball bearings. so what do you guys think?
when it comes to the nom de plume thing. JUDGE RHINO seems to fit. lol. a little hit on the whole JUDGE DREDD thing. lol
That would be great for disputes between people...Let them settle their differences once and for all...(LOL) But the wheel of fate would be a good one for the minor shit...But here's the question, what would the minor offensives be? We all know there will a totally different types of crimes within the defending and protection of those trying to rebuild...I see theft and hoarding being more of the typical or common crime, while rape and murder will be the harshest crimes during and after the apocalypse...
Anyways, how in the world did we end up on this subject when it started with using a paintball gun as a zombie killing weapon?? (ROFLMAO)
well u all pretty much agreed it was a horrible idea.
i dont see hoarding as a crime because after being so long without. i think when we finally get it good. we all will be doing a little hoarding for a "just in case" situation like maybe being overrun by a massive zombie hoard like the farm was in The Walking Dead. however violent crimes are the obvious. crimes like rape, murder, assault, or crimes that kill or in the commission of kills. those are crimes for THUNDERDOME. crimes where either the victim or their families have the chance to exact the justice needed to the offender or offenders. and being a person can have a lot of family. the offender would stand no chance of getting out alive because any family member can stand up and say "i want a crack at them" and get it. so even if they survive one family member. the crime can still be answerable to the others and if the victim has say 20 family members. can we say DEAD MAN WALKING? lol. now as for the rest of the crimes. theft and so forth. the Wheel of Misfortune can handle them. now as for whats on the wheel. that i never thought about that much. but it is on the top of my TO DO list now. lol.
Ain't it amazing how one topic leads into another and both subjects are on opposite sides of the map....(ROFLMAO)
I was just wondering....(LOL)
cool alias rhino and would you laws cover just the people in your group or to outsiders too. like would i be a crime to steal from someone who's not part of the group. same goes with killing them and anything else. i mean shit happens out there, maybe their hostile maybe they just have something you need and aren't willing to trade or join. then you have to think about who you lit in, after a certain size just having body's actually starts hurting you. you need people with skills. but the ones with out won't look to kindly on being rejected. to prevent complications they may have to be dealt with. people are worst the walking corpses my friend.
i would like to branch outward. but for the most part until then. i would want to take care of our own first. once you have a model of structure set up as an example. the rest tends to fall in line. now when it comes to outsiders coming in. that is easy. when in rome do as the romans do. so if they break the laws while in the community. then they are subject to them. so if they dont want to face the Wheel of Misfortune or worse yet THUNDERDOME. then go by the laws set. now if a person wants to stay. then yes they must contribute in some way and follow the laws set forth. if they dont have a skill or trade that can be usable. then they must be willing to learn from someone there or serve as a line guard to walk perimeter and protect the compound. naturally not all can choose that job because the walls are only so big. but law enforcement personnel, carpenters, builders, plumbers, food growers and in general most any skill out there to rebuild. so there wont be a lack those to learn from or work under. and the pay for this? the safety of the walls, food on a regular basis and a tatse of what once was. life. and when it comes to those who are trusted to enforce the laws. they to will be held in accountability. even one is above the law. no one. for if the law does not aply to all. then it cant really apply to anyone at all.
sounds good but if we're going to work together like i said i want complete control over my men, that mean i chose punishments i chose rewards. out of rest i will have them comply with your laws when mixing with your group. but i do kinda want my own camp for my guys. soldiers need a base to themselves. we act as front line and retain a certain amount of independence. after all we deal with the shit the dark the blood. every government has them, the ones who do the dirty work. and I'm willing to do that.
Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember nothing is true.
Where other men are limited, by morality or law, remember everything is permitted.
We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are assassins.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
i am not saying you cant have control of your people. all i am saying is there has to be a certain limit and if they have none. then that means the citizens are open to whatever they may want to do to them because there is no limit. the men would be open to being killed because if one of your men didnt like his face. they are dead. or one of the women gets raped. then it happens because there is no law to stop them from it. and you cant say that there are not certain people that would not take advantage like that being untouchable. certain things do have to be done that require a certain type of person. no doubt. but if there is to be protection for the citizenry in the walls. then how can they feel safe inside them? outside those walls anything goes. no question there. but to have a group that is totally without rules. that is like anyone from the group behind the walls going into your camp of men. starting all kind of shit and expect no consequences to happen because they are in another camp. hence the when in rome saying.
okay. lets do a scenario here. say i send a messenger to your camp for some reason. this person gets drunk or for some other unforeseen reason shows their ass and maybe kills one of your own. you would be within your right to punish that messenger by whatever rules you have governing your people. right? just make sure you send your response to me that the messenger was supposed to bring back. lol. after all i assume there is gonna be a rule about not killing your own people for shits and giggles, right? lol. well the people within the walls have the right to the same type of protection. if they can rebuild places for people (including your people, because barracks dont build themselves), grow food for everyone, even come up with viable forms of entertainment for one another. including your people. then they need to feel safe in those confines. and this means knowing that they are protected by laws that even protect them from the ones that protect. because outside the walls. there is no law. the next best thing to law they would see would be in your camp. and if they are subject to your laws which is only fare. then the people within the walls must know that the laws that govern them work for all who may enter the gates. thats like turning our current law enforcement loose on an unprotected populace with no consequence. that was done once in New Orleans under martial law after Hurricane Katrina. case in hand. a woman was raped by a group of police officers. she went to tell our reserve troops that were supposed to be there to help and protect. well they took their turn on her to. some help they were. she later wrote down the account in a suicide letter and hung herself. reason being nothing happened to either the cops that she identified or the national guardsmen who took their turn to. why? because under martial law. there are no consequences for those with the power.
so inside the gates. they do need to follow the laws there just like in your camp. after all,they have the rest of the waste land to let loose their frustrations on in. and the waste land will be vast.
i'm okay with that if we do it in reverse if that messenger kills my men i expect you to punish him according to your laws and if my guy rapes you woman then i punish him according to my laws. i never said we wouldn't have laws. but they will differ from yours because i have my own style. and like you said their will be a difference inside and outside of the walls. things will obviously be stricter when it comes to dealing with your people as well. I'm not gonna let the kind of men i need just do as they please. in fact my rules may be even harsher then yours. i just want to know i can give out my own brand of justice. and since you brought up the wastes let me just get this out of the way. any action my boys take out in the field as long as it does not involve your group or effect your grope in a major way is fully up to me. even if that means break some of your laws. reminder your people will not be involved and i will consult with you on large scale operations like going to war. i do want us to get along. but imagine how differently the last season of the walking dead would have been if after first encountering the governor and learning who and what he was. before the governors guard could be raised, some one for the group had gone off and slit his and his generals throats in their sleep. it would have been better for everyone right?
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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