Wicked Zombies


AS I've said before in august i will be attending the monster-mania convention to meet George Romero the man himself. this being my first con i, going all out and attending in costume. with the help of some of you here I've decided to go as  a zombie apocalypse survivor. so i will be posting photo's of my cosplay here, as well as asking questions. so far I've gone with a modified version of this outfit.

I'm keeping the gas mask,

maybe with a fake filter installed this time if anyone knows how to make one i would be so thankful. right now i have an idea about using a soda bottle if the threads match. but i never turn down advise.

i'll also be keeping the Alice pack and maybe the tack vest minus the knife i'm not sure yet it's pretty awkward to wear. I'll also be adding some more things like my zombie shield the tombstone.

and this sweet shoulder arm guard i made a few years back.

and I'll add a few more touches as i think of them so what do you all of think of my costume so far opinions always matter here?

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I would go with the crowbar because I really like the hand strap you made for it. Either one will make you look like a official Wicked Zombie killer. Make sure you take a bunch of pictures to post on the site!   

ohh I'll be uploading tons of them and videos. my only regret is i'll only be their for one day. I'd love to go for all three but it will take me over a hundred bucks to get their and comeback each time and a room for only one day is like 170 bucks minimum if i did that i would have no money for anything else. and i plan to come home with lots of autographs and merchandise. I'm hoping for a copy of the original night of the living dead. maybe even original vhs just for my wall.

now when it comes to the gas mask filter. what you can do is hollow it out. that way you remove the expired and harmful internal workings but keep the functional look to it. its not real hard to hollow one out. just use a basic hand drill and start that way in the front center. then from there. once you can get to the guts so to speak. just rip them out and blow out the small fibers later with an air hose at the gas station later. voila! a fake gas mask filter that still screws into the original 40mm threads. ;-)

yeah i went through my mask again and turns out the fillers only from 2004 so i don't think it will be that bad. i opened and tried it on with the mask and it seamed alright, i'll do research later but i think it will be safe. might be expired but probably still safe.

after digging around looks like a still got a year left so it's not expired and probably safe. but i broke the seal so now it's just a prop. i feel fine using it at the convention i won't be tightening it down all the way anyway for comfort reasons. and hey i got the drink tube too. internet high five!

SWEET!!! lol. and the fact that the filter is a 2004. even better. reason being even if it were expired by say 2005. they dont start breaking down until 10 years after the expiration date. so it will be more then a safe prop mask add on even if you tighten it down. and the fact you got that tube rocks. that means you can drink without removing the mask. gotta love that bro. i do. lol.

yeah I'll try it out at the con, walking around drinking out of a water bottle would be cool. so what do you do cause the manual was a little vague do you just move the hose into your mouth with your tongue?

where it hooks up to the mask. grab that and move the internal mouth piece into your mouth that way. lots easier to do. then when you wanna drink. pinch down on the finger tabs to open the hose up and draw like a normal straw with the mouth bit in your mouth.

thanks that was a lot of help.

so what do you guys think of my little mad max inspired shoulder guard, i think it will go real well the the tombstone, i did design it to be used in tandem with a shield like this so. and i love that quote really cool very battle field prayer like. sorry about the lz teeth it was way back before i knew about this site.

LZ: Armor - Shoulder guard

i think it would make a great companion for the shield. a lot of mid evil era armor was made much the same way.heavy on one side for offense while the light side was free for defense for swinging swords, axes and clubs.

yeah thats what i was going for i also have a hand made gorget that goes with it but I'm not gonna wear it to the con i got no room to pack it and i wouldn't be able to wear the vest with it. here it is thought so you can see it.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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