Post all Prepper Recommendations here along with links of where to buy and as much information as possible.
My Patriot Supply I recommend the seed vaults from this company to anyone that is prepping and wants to have a back up food source. I have purchased some myself and they have a high germination rate. They are non-gmo and non-hybrid. They are all open-pollinated seeds which means you can save seeds from every harvest for future harvests. They are also a good seed supplier for other fruits and vegetables that you can buy separately and create your own seed vault with. I am also doing that because this is one of the very few places that has iceberg lettuce seeds.
Heirloom Organics This is another good one but more expensive but they offer vaults for other things as well as the huge Farm Pack. They have smaller vaults and one in particular that would be good if you plan on having your own animals which is called the Livestock Pack and it has all type of seeds to grow food all animals can enjoy eating or grazing on.
Doomsday Preppers Ultimate Bunker This is a large seed vault that I personally purchased as well. Amazing variety and will be a big crowd pleaser. It comes with any and all directions you will need as well.
UCO Stormproof Matches These matches speak for themselves. If you don't have these, get them and get enough of them to last a while. I have between 250-500 stormproof matches in my B.O.B. at all times.
Protein Seed Pack This will help anyone's seed vault in the protein department. I would recommend buying two just to know you will have a plentiful bounty for protein rich food.
sweet, thanks for this info!
Guns: (Maintain the rule of 3 for this one)
AK-47: This is an amazing gun that can be used for everything. You can defend your spot or even hunt. The .223/5.56x45 round was invented for the military to maim. The 7.62x39 is a larger round that has been proven to do more than just maim. It may not be as accurate but if you are a good shooter, you can make it accurate with your skills.
20 gauge shotgun: Make sure it has a choke system and has a bird barrel on it. I own a remington 870 express with a 28" bird barrel. I own all the chokes needed for what I hunt from bird to deer. I chose 20 gauge because it has a more manageable recoil and still does just as a good a job as a 12 gauge. The choke system is good because you can use foster slugs for big game while keeping the bird barrel for ducks, geese, small game, and turkey.
50 Beowulf: This is an ar-15 platform but with a huge round going through to end. It does have a shorter distance that wouldn't recommend out past 250 yards but lets face it, who wants to take any shots longer than that? They will go through car doors and concrete walls. Big thumbs up and may soon even replace my ak-47 in a bug out situation.
Springfield XD45 Tactical Model 5": 45ACP is a really good round and will stop anything at close range. Big thumbs up for this pistol. It is easy to clean and take down as well.
Double action revolver: I would not go any lower than 44MAG for caliber. Double action is a plus because you don't have to cock back the hammer every time before a shot. Smith & Wesson would be the preferred brand in this category.
i like these recommendations. my only beef is the shotty department. i always been a 12 gauge guy. reason being there is more out there to customize with for them. especially if you have a Remington or Mossberg shotgun. i also am a stickler on barrel length. i always preferred nothing over a 20 inch barrel. i never been the bird hunter kind of guy so for my use. a shotgun with a 20 inch barrel and 12 gauge round does it all. i have two of them in my collection at the moment. a Mossberg 590 Tactical model. with it i also got a pistol grip so if i need to. i can change it out for the up close and personal thing. the other is a 12 gauge Coach Gun made by Century Arms. a real sweet double barrel i can use for both deer and bird if need be. one barrel is open bore (also known as cylinder bore) for slugs while the other is a full choke for the use of hunting water foul.
My only reason for the 20 gauge bird gun is because of the versatility of the choke system to hunt all types of animals and the better recoil stability for some that can't handle the punch. Also the longer barrel give it a little more ass out of the business end for a slight range advantage as well.
Another one I forgot to mention was the Mossberg 464 SPX. That would be a good little self defense rifle and hunting rifle and you don't have to worry about finding any tactical stock stuff as it comes built on it already. Rhino, do you sell these?
Crovel : The crovel would be a wonderful tool to have to eliminate having several separate tools into just one 5 pound set up. It is a shovel, crowbar, hammer, nail puller, saw, machete, and a couple other things (with the right mindset).
these types of tools are awesome, I haven't picked one up yet, but I am planning on getting one of these, along with some other combination tools when I finally assemble my b.o.b (yea, I know I'm still slacking on that one)
What would you recommend for a person who lives in a apartment in a big city?
Do you plan on bugging in or bugging out to a more rural area?
The Pocket Chainsaw is one that I am picking up
Make sure you read about all of the pocket chainsaws and brands because you don't want a cheap one.
Wow, this pocket filter produces around 13,000 gallons...this product should definitely be checked out!
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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