Is Lori really among The Walking Dead? She tells Carl that she believes he will survive this Apocalypse and he should always do the right thing. Then she passes out. Was shooting his own mother the right thing to do? Or maybe not?
I dont think she just passed out, I think she died, a c-section with no anestesia (sp?) he did what he had to do. And as far as is she really dead, well she is now lol...poor Carl...imagine that for real though
i thought it was fucked up that Carl had to be the one to shoot her. i mean really. anyone but the kid for god sake. that would be a major brain screw for a kid to have to go through. not to mention that Lori was one of the HOT CHICKS. lol.
i wouldnt go so far as to call Carl a sociopath because they feel nothing at all. not love, hate, or fear. i mean nothing. when the farm was overran. he had genuine concern for and wanted to go back for his mother. that is not a sociopaths behavior.
I was kind of hoping that they would follow the comic book a little on the death of Lori and the baby. But I actually liked the twist. See I red (sp) the comic book up to they are ran out of the prison and they end up finding another place to hanging out.
It was kind of messed up that Carl was the one that put the final bullet in his mom's brain, but think about this, his final act of love for his mother. instead of her coming back and Rick doing it, Carl wanted to prove to his mother that he was brave and strong with his last act of Love for her.
As for him not crying, I think the flashback of him and rick took place of showing him crying for the death of his mother. Plus I did see tears while the whole mess was happening. In order to pull it off, Carl had to harden himself just long enough to do the deed. I think once Carol comes back into the picture Carl might sort of latch on to her as a mother figure.
That would be a crazy twist to the show. Lets see what happens next week!
its possible. all we can do is wait until this sunday.
I'm going to venture a guess and say I doubt it. I was reading the interview they did with her and according to her interview she's moving on to another series or venturing into another movie project. So unless they made a cast of her face and they place it on someone who has her type of body, she's gone...(LOL) Also from the interview she said something about when they have a Dead Dinner in your honor you're gone from the show....So unless they do CGI or something, I doubt we'll see her anymore...
AMC Walking Dead updates and newsletter is where I read the information...(No I'm not a serious fan.....ROFLMAO)
The wife just told me thast Lori was on the talkshow The Talk friday morning. And they discussed The Walking Dead. And she even said that she wasn't coming back as a zombie. So she's dead....
Here's the link...
she's on after Steve harvey
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
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