Wicked Zombies


I plan on continuing to practice magic when the shit hits the fan, but what about your religion? I'm sure most of you will say you won't abandon God, or that you're an atheist, but how? Will you really have time to pray with the horde on your doorstep?

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Oh yes. I'll be praying even more when the SHTF...if anything it will take away all the distractions I and we face on a constant, daily basis and allow me (and us) to focus more on God and my spirituality... It may be easy to want to blame or curse God for what will be happening...but remember, things happen for a reason...

i couldnt agree with you more here. i think a lot of people will actually turn to God for some kind of guidance when they never even thought to before. i for one will not let a stinker from talking to the supreme being at least once a day giving thanks for one more day of life despite the conditions. after all. every day alive will be a blessing of a sorts.

I posted the blog "a sad story" to show that life isn't always a gift.

i read it. that person gave up though. the average person of faith does not give up so easily. there will ALWAYS be times when life is more of a curse then a gift. but the true survivor is the one who sticks it out and refuse to quit or give up. and if you got someone you care about with you during a z-poc. you fight. fight for them. fight for you. fight for all that means anything to you. and for some of us out there. when you have a higher power to turn to and pray to. it gives you the extra strength to do what you gotta do and move on. when you give up like that person did. the outcome they gave in to is inevitable. i for one WILL NOT end up like that.

I hope I can go out like that. Small victories: Death never caught up to me, I went to it.
I will say this, however: If the Gods tell me not to, I will force myself to stay alive until my body literally falls apart.

I'm going play the devil's advocate here just for a sec.

   Ok, here it goes. We all dream or have thought about living forever. Even if that means having to be turned to the Undead. granted you would be wondering the earth till the day your flesh, bone and muscles finally rot to the point that even movement is impossible. But you would still be sort of living. 

  Now as far as practicing beliefs, everyone from the faithful to the atheists will be praying to one God or the other. So as far as practicing your faith, you'll be doing it every time your eyes open on another day. And you'lll be saying a pray every time someone in your family or group passes. So as for practicing religion, I believe everyone will no matter what their faith will be.

   As for me, i'll be saying a little prayer with every bullet spent putting those undead bastards down and trying to keep my family safe. 

  Or just until the wife pisses me off and I push her into a horde....(LOL)  Just kidding...Or am I? (ROFLMAO)


lol. i like that. lol

LOL    Yeah the wife didn't think it was funny...(LOL)

true. but being she would be the one getting her ass nibbled by an undead corps. its only natural to not see the humor from her side. lol.


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