Wicked Zombies


Hey everyone, I'm pretty new here, and really enjoying it so far :P I am a firm zombie believer, and I have the goal of giving everyone food for thought about zombies. Basically, I wanna make believers out of everyone. So, I began a blog recently: Undead Hypothesis. It is as it is told- my hypotheses on the zombie uprising. I really would like some feedback on this, and I would like some differing opinions. If we have to survive, we need to get to the root of the problem, and it all begins with a single thought.

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well. i like you believe there is the possibility of zombies and do believe in them. i do feel however feel they are viral based. the cause for them that is. and most of all. with countries breaking the Geneva Convention and experimenting on viral based weapons these days (and we all know in our hearts they do but wont own up to it). i cant help but think there is a very strong possibility of a zombie apocalypse in our future. and a very near one at that. there is nights i just sit back and wonder just what nasty mix of virus and our contaminated atmosphere could make it happen being most viruses need a trigger of some sort or another and ALWAYS mutate on a yearly basis.  

this is so true. its kinda scary, actually. i agree with you, even more so since im a biologist. i know viruses. and i know that even when a new virus is exposed to the environment, it would quickly evolve to adapt, creating newer, stronger, more stable and (dangerously) more resistant strains. and who knows how it would be transmitted? im most concerned about the theory of miasma (the "something in the air" theory)..... i need a gas mask...

if it is transmittable in any way. i do hope its only through blood or bite contact. the whole air born idea scares the bloody hell out of me. that could mean we are already infected and the virus not take hold until death initiates. a gas mask is a good idea. i got one myself. being i sell a lot of military surplus stuff. if you want me to. i will check and see if i can hook ya up with one if you want me to. let me know.

surplus stuff u say..... ok when the apocalypse happens, we're so a team :D lol. but yeah, airborne virus... ok we could test this hypothesis through blood testing. i guess i can talk to my people at the haematology labs at school. ok ok i feel as though im getting obsessed. i promised i wouldnt get obsessed, even though i believe. but there's a good chance you're right.

obsession can be a strong ally and give tons of knowledge. never be afraid to be obsessed. lol. and i would be honored to have you on my team. ;-)

yay! teammates! lolz oh and you should tell that to my dad. geez, like its so wrong to believe in the walking dead.

Hey Cher, welcome to our fam! youll get to know me pretty good, Ive just been mad busy lately with school and everything...but anyway, my hypthesis is that it's definitely gonna be a manufactured virus, shit theyre already testing it. And we've seen with the results of the "bath salt" incidents (whatever they say) it's obvious that it is possible for a persons mind to be taken over to the point of zombieism. The proof it's possible has already happened, now these assholes want to go and make it happen, it's gonna get out of hand...and it'll be all our fault


nope, not our faults, bro, THEIR faults. WE are the thinkers that read between the lines and can identify shit when shit is present. but what is that about a "bath salts" incident? send me a link, im intrigued...

there was an incident in Florida where a guy was found naked eating another mans face. the story went viral on the internet. when the officer on the scene ordered the man to stop and back away. the naked guy growled like an animal and kept eating the homeless mans face. a lot of stories came out afterward. but one thing really stands out to me is on the lab equipment theft. just before the face eating incident. some lab equipment scheduled for disposal was stolen right from the hospital loading docks. it was supposed to have been sterilized heavily after use to test brain tissue contaminated with the human equivalent of MAD COW DISEASE. the lab equipment was never seen again. and like a lot of the facts that came out. they were disappearing just as fast and being replaced with the whole bath salts theory. the man that was eating the other mans face. he took like 6 shots to drop i believe. 5 to the chest and the last one to the head. a lot of the stuff was posted here by one of our members as she found it. her name was Velma. here is the link to follow what she kept us up to date on.


this was some real eye opening shit. lol.

ok im really really interested now, since u brought up mad cow disease. well, the human equivalent. i cant believe they found/formulated that stuff. so, i suppose this is the beginning... im so gonna hypothesize about this.

I found this article on Vaccines on Chicken Farms and how they could Create a Supervirus. Bio-weapons maybe be one very possible way to create a Supervirus. I believe it will come from a source close to home like in our Vaccines or Food supply.


Vaccines on Chicken Farms Create Supervirus
By Tom Philpott
Mon Jul. 23, 2012 3:00 AM PDT

The problem of routine antibiotic use on factory farms has generated a lot of ink lately—especially after this startling recent report on a possible link between industrial chicken farming and a spate of antibiotic-resistant urinary-tract infections among women.

But what about vaccine use? Concentrated animal feedlot operation (CAFO) operators use antibiotics to help prevent bacterial infections from raging through spaces densely packed with animals (as well as to make the animals grow faster). To address the problem of viral infections, against which antibiotics are ineffective, they turn to vaccines, which get considerably less press.

Which is why this ScienceNow report from Australia caught my eye:

Vaccines aren't supposed to cause disease. But that appears to be what's happening on Australian farms. Scientists have found that two virus strains used to vaccinate chickens there may have recombined to form a virus that is sickening and killing the animals.

That item got me thinking about the swine flu outbreak of 2009, when a virus jumped from pigs to humans (possibly after originating in humans) and then caused a global pandemic. (Thankfully, the strain wasn't very virulent—most people we able to shake it off.) When I was writing about swine flu back in 2009, I came upon this news story that ran in Science back in 2003 called "Chasing the Fickle Swine Flu" (PDF). The article shows that swine flu on US farms didn't mutate much from around 1930 until 1998, when a novel form of swine flu broke out on a North Carolina hog CAFO—and, after that, swine flu began to evolve rapidly. The era of swine flu stability had ended. It's impossible to say what role flu vaccines on farms played in the evolution of the virus, but scientists had been warning for years that factory-farm vaccines could create novel strains be dangerous to humans.

The Science article cites two possible catalysts for the switch to rapid evolution in 2008. The first is the the consolidation of hog farming that took place in the 1990s—"the percentage of farms with 5,000 or more animals surged from 18 percent in 1993 to 53 percent," the article reports. University of Minnesota veterinary pathologist Kurt Rossow told Science, "With a group of 5,000 animals, if a novel virus shows up, it will have more opportunity to replicate and potentially spread than in a group of 100 pigs on a small farm."

The second is the rise of flu vaccinations on factory farms:

In 1995, swine flu vaccination was so new that the National Swine Survey conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture didn’t bother to assess its extent…Today [i.e., back in 2003], more than half of all sows are vaccinated against both H1N1 and H3N2 viruses, says Robyn Fleck, a veterinarian at Schering-Plough, one of the nation’s three producers of swine influenza vaccine.

All those vaccines created concerns of a treadmill effect—theoretically, when all the pigs in a building are vaccinated, only vaccine-resistant flu mutations can survive, creating a constant need for new vaccines. Already in 2003, Science reported, researchers were finding flu in vaccinated pigs. "Flu is also showing up in piglets thought to be protected by maternal antibodies passed on from vaccinated sows," the article states. Here's a choice bit:

Widespread vaccination may actually be selecting for new viral types. If vaccination develops populations with uniform immunity to certain virus genotypes, say H1N1 and H3N2, then other viral mutants would be favored. [Molecular virologist Richard] Webby suggests that the combination of avian polymerase genes generating errors in the genetic sequence and immunologic pressure from vaccination may be selecting for unique variants.

Now, that same virologist, Richard Webby, goes on argue that mass vaccination is important, drawbacks aside. The "benefits of vaccination outweigh this side effect," Webby told Science, because "If you can decrease the amount of virus, you can reduce the chances of interspecies transmission."

Webby, who directs the World Health Organization's Collaborating Center for Studies on the Ecology of Influenza in Animals and Birds, reiterated in a phone interview that "theoretically," vaccines "introduce immunity" into animal populations can "drive change" in targeted viruses. He added that it's hard to find "good, solid evidence" of that effect—that is, to prove that vaccinations are the catalyst for an evolving viral strain circulating in animal populations. However, he did point me to this 2004 paper by USDA scientists looking at vaccinations targeting avian flu on chicken farms in Mexico, which found "results suggest[ing] that Mexican lineage viruses are undergoing increased genetic drift that is most likely due to vaccination pressure," although other causes could not be ruled out.

If vaccinations are indeed driving new mutilations, then I see a gaping dilemma presented by industrial-scale hog farming: If we insist on raising animals in massive concentrations, we're forced to choose between a vaccination treadmill, which reduces the incidence level of flu in CAFOs but predictably generates novel, vaccine-resistant strains, or not vaccinating at all, which would allow flu to run rampant among millions of hogs. There is, of course, a third option: Stop raising animals under industrial-scale, dense conditions.

As for those chickens in Australia, the particular virus strain that scientists found does not affect humans. But the possibility for some future strain to do so exists. Researchers told Science that the problem of new virus strains emerging from vaccines is "a problem that needs to be taken seriously" but also stressed that "should not be allowed to detract from the enormous health benefit generally provided by vaccines." Again, the paradox of Big Ag vaccines: They allow factory farmers to manage pathogens, but they also potentially lead to new strains that spin out of control.

It's also important to note that the vaccines in use on those Australian poultry farms are what's known as "live, attenuated" vaccines, which according the National Institutes of Health, contain a "version of the living microbe that has been weakened," while flu vaccines on hog farms are "inactivated," a milder form of vaccine in which the disease-causing microbe has been killed. Webby told me that while live vaccines could in theory recombine to form new virus forms, there's "zero chance" that inactivated ones could.

I should stress that these reflections on vaccination practices on factory farms have little bearing on the question of human vaccinations. A vaccinated child who spends most of her day with her family in a house or apartment lives under completely different conditions than, say, a hog living 24/7 in tight conditions among 5,000 genetically very similar peers in filthy conditions. The problem of vaccinations on factory-scale farms is a complex one, and hasn't been reported on much. What vaccines are being used on US factory farms besides the swine flu ones? Are "live, attenuated" vaccines, like the ones used in Australia, being used in US chicken CAFOs? I plan to dig into it.

ok that was a bit much to read [lol, didnt read it all], but from what i gather... there already IS a supervirus? wtf yo?! so if certain viruses could really from natural recombinant strains, then something like mad cow disease, mutating and combining with something more durable....... my God, i need to become a doctor fast.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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