Wicked Zombies


In DESPERATE need of Zombie/Infection Movie? Lets all make a recommendation and see what comes up!

I recommend MUTANTS 2009 by: David Morely. 

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i loved this movie pictured. it put a good point to the test that has been asked by many in the zombie community.

"Can you put down the one you love if infected by a zombie virus?"

we do really need more infection films that make you look and think thingslike this through.

I liked this movie as well. The way it moved from being a survival thing into a whole left field idea was great. Something really original. I was kind of disappointed in the ending a little. But other then that, I enjoyed it...

Mutants was really a scary movie and keep me at the edge of my seat! I would recommend Dead Alive for some good laughs.

i didnt really like Dead Alive that much. to far out there for me. kinda like FIDO. i dont mind some humor in a zombie flick. but i also want some realness to it to. more real then humor. that is what i like about George Romero's films. they have some humor. but not so much that its out in center field.

I recommend Devils Playground, the best zombie flick Ive seen in a while

can you post a link to it? i think i would like to check it out.

now i know i want to check this out. lol.

I'm trying to download this movie right now, if it works, I'll try and send it to you somehow...But I have seen this, it was on chiller one night and I liked it, but the fast zombie thing and the parkour zombies were a little out there, but it was a pretty good movie. I liked it even with the few two things I pointed out. I guess I can over look them because of the story line. Which it was original....

Alright my friend, I hope you have DivX player or plug in on your computer...I hope this site works for you. It worked for me. here's the site to watch the movie....try it and I hope you get to watch...


I saw this last night on showtime demand. I would definitely a recommend this as a high energy infection film! 

High energy...(LOL) I would classify it as 28 days later on crack...(LOL) But it was tense and fast pace. It kept my interest thats for sure...(LOL)


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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