Wicked Zombies


This kame akross my mind earlier, but what if it wasnt an infection? what if it was a natural/neuclear disaster that destroyed most of the human race?

So when that happends and its not an infection or diease of some sort, what will be some Pros and Cons of the sektors?



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I had to roll my eyes on that one. I was referring to the warm welcome and how comfortable I am situating myself between....two warm welcomes. not to take away from you having the warmest welcome.....just happy for the positive reception of a woman in the ranks.

lol. i know. had to tease to a degree. lol.

all are welkome Komrad

**side note - I need communication with the Komradz once shit goes down; don't forget about me in the North**

Pros and Cons of South Western Ontario in Canada...


-surrounded by huge fresh water lakes

-lots of open land

-lots of forested areas

-lots of game to hunt

-natural terrain is difficult but navigatable

-being raised in the woods and on the lake has offered a ton of training since I was able to walk


-too close to New York (target for nuclear attacks)

-dense population until you hit 3 hours north of my current location

-winters can be a bitch if you aren't prepared

-supplies may become scarce once panic sets in

if you are close to New York. try to make it to Vee and the Komradz sektor there.

For some reason, trying to get into the New York area during a Crisis, doesn't seem like a good idea... Too densely populated and odds of NYC getting blown up (again) are probably pretty good. 

what about trying to make it to me? i live in Ohio. now nuke targets near me. got lots of guns to go around and ammo to. cant get no better then that. lol.

thats where Im headed, even though Im closer to NY and the sektor there, kinda like Koma said, the thought of rushing head first into NY during an outbreak is less than appealing, Id like to rendevouz with you first, establish communications, stock and load up, then make our way to the mountain sektor of NY once comm and intelligence has been established. and besides, I couldnt in all good conciousness let Rhino try to go it alone.

the more the merrier guys. lol. the more the merrier. plus there is strength in numbers and being komradz. we got each others backs all the way.


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Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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