if you're going to domesticate them than do it in a place like alcatraz....
but where are you going to live during the process of domesticating a zombie....
if you're perfectly fine living in a prison, cool.
the thing about Alcatraz is it had housing separate from the prison itself. the only thing is we would have to restore them to make them livable because of years of deterioration from lack of use. the training staff can live safely away from the training grounds. once 10 of them were trained. we can freeze the remaining hopefuls and put down the rest that dont meet the requirements. then take our ten successes and start sweep and clear ops.
i read it. i was just replying to Aburey's post on living on an island training ground is all. i do understand how you feel though. i just think that if we utilized raw materials at hand to fight the undead. we would be risking less living lives and taking out more undead ones. i mean if (and i do mean if) the zombies do have a learning curve. what would be a more viable solution? sending in a Komrad or Nexus teams and they get wiped out? or send in 10 trained stinkers and they get ripped apart? if they would happen to be on a learning curve of some kind. that would be the way to find it and watch from a distance. then utilize what we saw to our advantage. and if they are not. if they are just undead killing machines. then our trained killing machines can do most of the dangerous work and when all objectives are done. freeze them for when needed again. i cant help but feel it is a sound idea.
We could all go to an island that was prepped before hand in order to have a safe place.
We could also all go to alcatraz and fix it up.
both are good options. personally? no matter what you do or say or dress it up, alcatraz is a prison for the most notorious criminals in the united states. i do not want to set shop up in an environment like that.
i would rather set up shop that is our own, on an island, have the living quarters seperate from the training quarters, because i think its a good idea to domesticate a few of them to send on missions too dangerous for humans. but im kinda with sleeper in the sense i dont really care to domesticate them in the first place.
and i think if anything, the island should be for survivors, their families, and people who contribute meaningful things to such an island. i kinda think if there would be a domestication effort, have it on the mainland. thats the equvalent of hershels barn.
you could always take a boat from the island to the barn (jail on the mainland for training them).
every plan has a chance of backfiring. but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
not the disease. the zombie. there is no way to domesticate a disease. the whole key to getting them to not eat us is to get them to eat something else. that is where the raw beef would come in. once they are getting to where they associate us with a food source and not AS a food source. that is where you can begin the training process. sort of like training a wolf from the wild. a wolf when hungry sees people as a food source like any other animal. but when you feed it and win its trust. it can learn to respect people like any other domestic dog and associate us as a means for food. not as food. just like a domestic dog. once they look to us for food. we can use this type of association to train the zombies and the meat as a reward. the second key to domestication. action requires reward. how did our families train us to live an ordered life like them. clean your room and do your chores and you get an allowance. add more things to do and get a bigger allowance. the same also applies here. when all is said and done. you will have an excellent zombie killing tool. a zombie attack dog that kills other zombies.
i like your style. i to have thought of things to do with the super abundance of walking dead. things like pin the tail on the stinker. a live version of hangman. and i am still trying to work out the kinks when it comes to family classics like Battleship and Twister. lol.
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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