Wicked Zombies


Preacher's post Better Mobility reminded me of something I wanted to bring up. In my survival kit (or at least on my list of things to make sure I grab) is my Smartphone, or my Tablet if I have space. Now having a phone, certainly at the start of the outbreak, is just logical (make sure you keep it on vibrate!) but why bother with a Tablet?

Reading Mira Grant's book Feed has made me really realise how useful social networking would be in an outbreak. Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and sites like this. The internet backbone and communications will stay up for a while, length depending on a lot of factors. If we are really lucky it could stay up for long enough for us to really get organised and to start sharing information about where the swarms are, what methods of evasion and combat work best, and so on.

And you can be sure that social networks will be talking about zombie outbreak long before the official news does!

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Yeah iPhone does have its disadvantages :-( the other benefit is most smartphones have GPS and maps!

the phone as pointed out is a very common sense thing indeed. but when it comes to internet communications. i still say you cant beat the HP Mini 110 Netbooks. they are small enough to fit in any backpack. some women carry them in a purse they are that compact and light weight. and do all the functions a desktop does. granted the RAM is not sufficient for doing a lot downloading. but for general use of the internet like Face Book, Twitter and YouTube. you cant beat it. these make great tools for communication with others and organizing when the outbreaks start.

pages load up really fast. even on 3G networks. this Mini is the best thing i have ever owned. i dont know what i would do without it.

My fear is that cellphones and internet will not be accessible. With everyone trying to log in and make calls it won't be long before the towers crash. Just think about how hard it is to make a phone call or use the internet on New years Eve.     

in all due seriousness. it wouldnt be a bad idea to learn Morse Code. i know how to do S.O.S. in Morse Code in both tap and light flash.

it comes in handy. better to know it and not need it then to need it and not know it. lol.

i never thought of it that way. would make an interesting concept.

i look forward to seeing this.

Here is a Morse Code Chart and a how to learn Morse Code website...


I have to reitterate V's earlier point, there is going to come a time when social media sites and cellphones/telephones in general may not or will not be accessible, the best bet is to have a prior plan, and meet up in person...I'd like to have a destination in mind as opposed to hoping I can access this site after the shit storm and asking "wheres everybody at?"

i agree with you on this. but i like the idea of utilizing every tool at my disposal for as long as i got it. remember in the movie DIARY OF THE DEAD where the kids in the RV were using their internet devices for as long as possible till the signals and towers crashed? i want to do just that. make use till i cant no more. maybe even use it to make a meeting point to link up before the big crash.

oh definitely, I fully intend to facebook status update every single slimy fucker I kill for as long as I can!! LOL


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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