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What kind of shit is that Rick is a cool Dude now if his Wife gets Eat I will be ok whit it lol

Rick is the good guy. what did he do? lol. its Shane that needs a good walker bite to the nut sack. lol.

I Agree, It made me sick when him and Andrea got it on, I know it did not show but her putting her hand on his package God makes me want to throw up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they could both have made it if they worked together. as it was Shane did a cowardly act by murdering Otis like he did. they were both injured. they were both slowed by the injuries. but working together could have saved them both. and Rick is no super hero but he does try to do the right thing given the situations they find themselves into. and to answer the question of would i have shot Otis if he was slowing me down with my son's life on the line? my answer is HELL NO. yes Otis fucked up when he shot his rifle and the bullet hit the boy when it went through the deer. but he was doing what he could to make up for that. plus that fuck up could have happened to ANYONE. and Otis did not deserve to be torn up alive like he was. what Shane did was nothing short of cowardly murder and the fact Dale has Shanes number perfectly clear makes you wonder. will Shane murder him for knowing? i do. but i hope Shane is eaten by the walkers first..

The truth of the matter is you can't trust Shane if he thinks you're going to risk his idea of his twisted Utopia he'll kill you. I bet he goes after rick or Dale and that's way Carl ends up shooting him (if they have that in the show).

As for rick he was the only one with the balls and grit to put sophia down everyone shut down and couldn't do it, thus proving that rick is the best for leader of this group but he does care too much sometimes

Shane is a straight pussy! He shot Otis and lied to everyone. Dale has the smarts and balls to let him know but lets hope it's not his death sentence. 

what i thought was poetic justice was when Shane got back with what was needed to save Ricks son. he had to wear the very clothing of the man he murdered. he may have lied during the memorial service they had for Otis. but you could tell by the look on his face that he was VERY uncomfortable having to wear the very clothing of the man he sacrificed by murder due to selfishness and arrogant pride.

HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this episode was awesome and true tonight! cant wait to see what happens in the future shows!!

This episode was action packed and definitely a WICKED start! 

Last night as action packed and well worth the wait! 

Well worth the wait :(

I dont pay for TV in the UK so not only do I have to wait till after it is aired in the US I have to wait until after it is aired in the UK and then hope I can download it.

Good job all you Americans are on the ball ;)

Anyway, Otis was murdered or was he? his death was to save a childs life, and I personally would give mine up to save it. The lies well not sure about and if I could do it myself is a different story UNLESS it was my own then to be honest everyone else is expendable as long as my wife and daughters are saved - that is life and im sure 99% of people would sacrifice everyone if it meant saving their own.

I would also consiider other adults lives if it was to save a child's the children are the future, and older person that can't contribute much knowledge or skill to the human race survial has less worth than a child that can be educated.

Hope that makes sense :)


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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