i think that the answers for these two questions would be for me. YES and PREPARATION IS THE KEY. let me explain.
for question 1. i would have to say yes, i would want to know when it would happen. that way i could prepare not only myself but my family. granted that not all of them will take me seriously. the fact is that they may even try to have me committed for the trying to convince them. but at least i would have tried. now as for my immediate family like my wife and kids. they would be the ones that would give me more credit then the others of my family and i could help them way easier with the knowledge. and together, we could prepare for the inevitable. which brings me to question 2.
would i be able to look into my childs eyes and tell them the exact date and time that they would more then likely die?
my answer is yes because with the knowledge, you can actually save them. for instance if it were on a school day. keep them home. if you are at work on that day. stay home that day. with everyone at home the day and time it happens. you can use the time prior to get the whole family prepared for the catastrophic event and do the one key word that makes the difference. SURVIVE. then and only then after all the prep work can you live life to its fullest. then and only then you would not have to tell the child "i know when you will die". instead, you can tell them you know about a certain day and time and with their trust, love, and help. together, can live through it. this way they have not only a fighting chance. they have that ray of hope that we would all need to survive and live on.
Those are all very good points babe :) I would prefer to know in time to be able to be ready but no sooner then I would absolutely have to.... LOL... as for my son... I would tell him but in a way that wouldn't scare the crap out of him... like i would make it into a game... something like that... but my son is also only 1 years old... lol... thank you as always for your thoughtful answer and welcome to the group :)
yes i would
it would be hard but i think i could
well i have learned that the hardest decisions in someones life that they will have to make are for the sake of their children... so good answer :)
our children ARE our future. if we could use the knowledge of the date and time to save them. then we have done the best we can by them and most of all given them a fighting chance. to know it and deny them the benefit of survival would be the ultimate failure to them. children are tougher then we give them credit for. they have saved lives as well as fought in wars as much throughout the ages as adults have. to be anything but honest no matter how terrible or daunting the news may be is to not only fail but to also insult them in the ultimate way. that would also be a deciding factor for me.
Those are some very good points KR... Though I would still go with trying to protect a small part of their innocence as much as I could though. That a press use thing at this day and age. I agree we should prepare them but Im going for the making it a game or fun in some way kinda thing... Kids already have enough in this world to be afraid of.
but if prepared right, they wont be afraid. that is the whole point of being upfront and honest with them. when i was a kid. i despised being coddled to like i was gonna break and i sure as hell hated a surprise. lol. i noticed that kids of today seem to be much the same way no matter what age. to many parents anymore wanna surround kids in cotton candy and bubble wrap and give them a dream world. when that is done. their mind becomes weak and when the reality smacks them in the face. they crumble and cry instead of do what is needed and fight. if they are treated like an equal then they will respond as such. i mean call me a Klingon if you want. i just am not the kind to shield from my kids the world but let them see what it is. what it is capable of. and what it can turn into at a moments notice and all its savagery. i lived that way as a kid and turned out just fine. as such i feel so would mine. innocence just does not exist in this day and age. they cant afford to be innocent in a world where a child molester could be no more then two doors down from your home. or in a world where Islamic Terrorists can be found on every block. a strong young fighter makes for a secure and strong future. and being they are our future. they need to be as strong and tough both mentally and physically as possible.
There will still be grown up that are prepared that will still be afraid! Being prepared is not about not being afraid. We are still human and its okay to be that way but to be afraid is to rise above the fear so you can get the job done. Also when you are a kid its not about being coddled. Thats how you see it when you are a kid but as an adult you see its them trying to let you have a gift that you will never be able to have again. The gift of a childhood... its not coddling for me... When my son wants his alone i can stand and run and dance time all on his own I give it to him because its about letting them do that to but he still runs back to mommy when his daddy is chasing him and that cause he can... because he is 1 and should be aloud to retain some of that while he has it. Its our job to make sure they don't grow up to fast because they are going to want to do the exact opposite of course because they wont know like we never did till we grew up and had kids of our own that it was something priceless and fleeting. I'm more the let them discover it at their own speed kinda mom. AND not to do any bragging or anything but I must be dont something right because they have just classified my bug as above highly above average in all his physical mile stones and ranked him mentally as a baby genius! LOL Sorry lil bragging! LOL... I am all for getting them ready and I'm not saying hide anything but even when I am just teaching bug normal stuff I make a lil game or find some other way to make it fun for him to do so he will want to do it more with me and on his own! As far as the terrorists thing... All this is coming from a girl whos only brother just got back from his second tour in iraq and the only one he tells his stories to... so i get it... but all im saying is let them play superman every once and a while... its not gonna hurt to let them go to be at night still a lil innocent and thinking things like tomorrow im gonna get up and learn how to fly! :) Yes it is our job to prepare them but its also our just to protect them a lil to... even from growing up to fast sometimes :) Just a lil :) Kids will surprise you when it comes to situations anyways... even without our help :) its kinda their job... LOL
i was taught that seeing the world and its dangers was more important then innocence. and in a world where innocence is a liability more then a plus. then its time to get rid of the liability. i learned at an early age to be more grounded then to live in a dream world of playing superman and such. at age ten i learned to use knives and edged weapons and the reasons to fight and not to fight. when i got older i learned to use the gun and the same reasons applied as to when to use the knife as to the gun. by sixteen i learned enough on human anatomy to use the knowledge i learned to become a more proficient fighter using the knife and gun. and as a result of that. a more effective protector of my family. i admit i had to sacrifice things like childhood to learn these things but do not regret it considering my father died the year i was born and basically took the roll of the man of the house at same early age. i learned that the world was not only a big place but a lethal one as well. when my children are born. i intend to show them the same road. its a hard road but one worth learning and the safest by far. it will also make them not fear anything like an apocalypse of any kind. they would be ready to do what is needed at a moments notice without fear or regret to defend themselves and their families. innocence cant teach these things. being grounded at an early age can though.
though if you think of it that way then all hope is lost... what are you saving this world for if all you are doing is surviving. Humans can not survive for survival sake babe.... We survive to preserve humanity. Innocence of a child is a big part of humanity. The fact that you recognize it as a sacrifice proves you know in some way that it is important and wanting for our kids better then we have is what every parent wants. So you had to sacrifice yours. Wouldn't that make you want to give your children theirs even more? Innocence and the skills and lessons you learn from having that are important. That is why when you lose yours it is such a big turning point. It gives us the imagination and curiosity that have provided man kind with the most vital of things. Including all the weapons you like. Someone had to think that up. It is important. but as i said at its core it provides the most needed thing that the coming days will have little of... a reason to survive and keep going.
a lot of the weapons that i tend to enjoy so much were invented out of necessity. not out of innocence. an innocent has no desire to eliminate an enemy should they make it so needed. and at times. survival is as good as it gets. things are not peaches and cream all the time so in order to see a better thing. survival will have to be a priority and the only priority. and in my experiences. survival does not depend on innocence but the will and desire to live. so again i ask what good is innocence in surviving an apocalypse or any other disaster? how does innocence help find food? how does it help fashion a weapon? how does it make a decision to kill or not kill? the only way i can see that innocence can help in these factors is to hinder them. so in a time of need. it is easier to just leave it at the door or to just not have it at all. if you dont have it at all. then it is not in the way of the important things. like surviving day to day till it gets better. if things get better at all because some events dont just end over night. they continue to the very last. and if one keeps innocence as a keep sake or tool. then the one who keeps it at all might be the one to come to an end. i want me and mine to last as long as it takes to see the end and MAYBE a better day. and this cant be done with innocence of any kind.
Yes necessity... but someone still has to have the imagination to put it together and figure out how it works. Several studies suggest that a large part of our imaginative process coming from our childhood play and innocence. If survival is as good as it gets then whats the point of living... Humans and human nature needs more then that. That fact has been proven threw history and its actions... and i dont expect them to be all fine all the time. not what im saying at all.,, just that the strive for the better is what keeps us going. survival has proven to never be enough other then t do horrible things in which you lose your humanity doing anyways... and if in the end when we are done if we come out as nothing better then viscous beasts then what is the point in all of it anyways... thats why things like innocence should be protected as much as possible... its vital to our survival... its even as useful for the things you speak of as i said. Imagination is born from it. and imagination gives birth to your weapons and strategies and so many more things that are important to survival... If we are merely robots who are trained to do things then there is no adaptability... That also comes from innocence... the innocence to think that anything is possible and there for think that things like a a tank or a gun can be made to work... It is Vital... As for food... There is this thing called dwarf wheat... Norman borrrlof invented... Sure i spelt that name wrong btw... lol... He got the Nobel peace prize for it because it saved a country from starving to death because it produced food in record numbers in a climate that could not grow it before. The tragity of this story is he did not get the NB prize till he was dead and he invented it when he was a child. He said he dreamed it as a child and thought it impossible and then spent the next 20 years of his life trying to prove himself wrong... and he did... and it saved millions of people from starvation... thats how innocence feeds us... if all you can see it do is bad then maybe i can suggest you open your eyes a little wider and suggest that maybe you are just seeing it that way because that is all you want to see it as...
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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