Wicked Zombies


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i got ALL of sunday cleared. i am closing shop all day and i got the auto tuner set for the start of season one and it will be there till the premier of the season two episode.
who needs a baseball bat when i got an AK near by. lol.
watching season one now. we are at the fifth show where they are burying their dead and about to head to the CDC. got my AK on one side. my pistol on the other. and ready for ALL. lol.
Let the count down begin!

I have 42:00 minutes until it starts so lets see what happens!




i agree totally. knowing there was the risk of walkers and also maybe hunters. they let that boy go way to far away from them.


The Walking Dead
Credit: Image Comics

Breaking The News

In The Walking Dead comic, Lori's bearing more than just the secret of her adulterous affair with Rick's best friend; she's actually pregnant with Shane Walsh's child. This situation needs to be brought onto the show pronto. Although Shane is long past dead when this scene occurs in the comic, it would actually work better with him alive. By the end of The Walking Dead's first season, the Rick-Lori-Shane love triangle situation began to wear a bit thin. A baby would up the tension and increase the stakes tenfold.

The Walking Dead
Credit: Image Comics

Meeting Tyreese

It's no surprise that Rick Grimes and ex-NFL player Tyreese meet early on in The Walking Deadcomic. As fathers leading a band of survivors throughout a zombie apocalypse, their paths were bound to cross. Season 2 would be a perfect place to introduce Tyreese, along with his daughter Julie and her boyfriend Chris. Not only would it be interesting to see Tyreese and Carol's relationship play out on screen, adding another alpha-male into the mix would surely shake things up a bit.

The Walking Dead
Credit: Image Comics

The Most Dangerous Game

One of the most shocking moments in The Walking Dead comic series is when Rick's son gets shot during a hunting expedition. The incident — while accidental in nature — proves how mankind is its own worst enemy, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. If the show can replicate even a fraction of this scene's power, season 2 is bound to be a success.

The Walking Dead
Credit: Image Comics


If there's one thing The Walking Dead show needs, it's comic relief. We understand that jokes don't come easy in the face of looming horror, but that doesn't mean they have to be become extinct. Take this moment from The Walking Dead comic. When Dale trips over a frozen zombie, Glenn looks at it up close to see if it's dead. When the creature opens its jaw, Glenn goes tumbling back-first into the snow. The two characters laugh it up, forgetting their troubles for just a moment. When the world is going to hell around you, even a slight chuckle goes a long way.

The Walking Dead
Credit: Image Comics

Wiltshire Estates

There's nothing sadder in life than crushed dreams — except when they are ripped, torn and eaten. That's exactly what happens when Rick and his band of survivors discover Wiltshire Estates. Wiltshire, a gated, upper-class housing community, represents everything the survivors long for: comfort, security, peace. They eventually shack up in one of Wiltshire's immense homes, only to discover that the place isn't entirely deserted. What happens after Rick discovers the "All Dead Do Not Enter" sign is bound to terrify any reader what a pulse. These are the kind of scenes the television series needs.


The Walking Dead
Credit: Image Comics

Herschel's Farm

In the comic, after Rick's son is accidentally shot, he is taken to a farm owned by veterinarian Herschel Green (when the world is overrun by zombies, you can't be too choosey about your doctors). It is there that Rick and the rest of survivors meet Herschel's large and eclectic family. The scene where everyone meets is heartbreaking when compared to the horror that is unleashed on the residents only a few pages later. It is moments like this that separate The Walking Dead from most horror series. Characters are more than just slabs of meat. They are real, living and breathing people that we care for; partly because we see so much of ourselves in them. Let's hope this moment makes the cut. 

The Walking Dead
Credit: Image Comics

Sad Romance

The sexual tension between Dale and Andrea is played out pitch-perfect on the television series. However, a "will they, won't they" scenario can only deliver so long before it turns into a yawn-fest. Instead of dragging it out, the comic allows Dale and Andrea to give in to their secret desires. Rather than being gratuitous, this scene displays the most primal, and most real, elements of humanity. In a medium that's often dismissed as childish, this moment is painfully mature.

The Walking Dead
Credit: Image Comics

Herschel's Secret

"The barn... That's where we keep all our dead ones." Just when Rick and the survivors are getting cozy at Herschel's Farm, these words turn everything on its head. Herschel, a man who dedicated his life to healing creatures, refuses to kill zombies. Instead, he stores the undead in his barn with hopes that a cure will one day be found. His argument with Rick over the killing of the "dead ones" brings up questions of ethics rarely touched upon in zombie flicks. Why not carry it over onto the television series? 

The Walking Dead
Credit: Image Comics

Glenn's Day In The Sun

After all Glenn has done for the camp — you know scavenging city streets for food scraps and all — doesn't he deserve a little love?  In the comic, he gets it from Herschel's frisky, bluntly-spoken daughter, Maggie. It would be nice if Glenn had a love interest on the show as well. Plus, the scene above would be hilarious to watch. 

The Walking Dead
Credit: Image Comics

Release The Horde

Alfred Hitchcock defined suspense as a bomb under the table that may or may not explode. The Walking Dead's defines horror as a barn full of zombies that may or may not open. Unfortunately, for Rick, Herschel and company, it does. What happens next is one of the most disturbing scenes in The Walking Dead's entire run. If the television show can adapt it faithfully, audiences are bound to have lingering nightmares for months. 


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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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