Wicked Zombies


It's kind of funny when you think about what we actually have to bitch about in the 1st world.

Compare it to the 3rd world problems. An impending apocalypse is something they probably find members of the populace wishing for in their down-trodden shit way of life.


We in the first world have such problems as difficult to program smart phones. Ha...


But my point being- in the apocalypse, when we lose the first world suddenly and quickly.

Simple shit like the days of the week will mean nothing now.


For you 9-5ers... There's no Monday to Friday with an occasional 3 day weekend. And 2 day weekends (whatever Capitalist fucking scumbag came up with the concept of a 5 to 2 work to off ratio can rot in their coffin and be trapped when they convert to a zombie- seems a suitable fate) is a dick.


But there will no longer be Mondays... Tuesdays... etc.

There will only be the moment of here and now that you try so hard to survive in and protect whatever you have left in this new atrocity.


I think about the reality of it- more like the opening to 28 weeks later.

No matter where you are- how safe you think you are- what loved ones are around.

You're going to be on a constant struggle if things are out of control.


And it's fun to play around with the concept of having a permanent armory or endless ammo...

(you think that ammo's gonna last hot-shot?) but the reality of it is, there's gonna be a lot of fucking zombies, and not enough bullets, guns, skill and wit to survive for everyone.


So that's why we have a plan. A plan to go where the zombies will freeze when they try to roam.

Where we can conserve ammo and have fresh resources to work from- and at the end of Walking Dead- we realize just how absolutely fucked we are anyway.


Because we kind of live life off of petroleum... Haha.

What retarded capitalist came up with that too?

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Damn I wish England was a little further North XD
You and Kitty will be on our Int'l flight to B.C.
lol. it's right.
Real world problems... Huh... I mean, I though people got raped in first world countries but your logic says it doesn't... I really though young girls were kidnapped and tortured brutally while being mentally destroyed and ruined for the future to come... Also, people of the USSR also used petrol, and quite often, as well as China itself. Hell, it runs off of fossil fuels to keep itself going and making money. Really, I'm fine with capitalists, though I won't deny if I could create my own government it wouldn't be run under the guise of Capitalism. More like a mix of Fascism and Communism. Not so much of the eugenic side so much as believing that I should keep the moral up in my country and preform war on a very well made basis for very impressive strategic control over territories, similar to the way America claims its territories. I also agree with the Marxist idea of working towards the common goal of the people and the country, each person holding their own, though I also believe a strong, controlling authoritarian and totalitarian based government would also benefit to the people as a kind of 'Father Knows Best' kind of thing.

That was long and semi-enlightening. Hybrid governments and political parties are definitely the way to go.

And the 2nd world often comes to take the women of the 1st world for the sex trade.

It's terrible and something I really considering joining a special sex-trade division to fight against.

But yeah. It fucking sucks. Death to the sex trade assholes a.s.a.p.

The problem is too many people care about themselves. You see these rich people, like Bill Gates, who roll around in money, and you see Africa with all its third world countries getting ripped off by the richer. We need to stop war and all help each other.

Correction. Bill Gates, and handfuls of billionaires or millionaires actually donate chunks of their money on a daily basis. Eminem promotes education in Detriot, Bill Gates and his wife donate to any organization that requires free charity, Oprah promotes education in Africa and America, though most of her funding goes to Africa. To be honest, they're doing the best they can without ending up back as smucks in the middle class. They only get so much money, and they have their own things to take care of. True, they have more money to spend on those things, but when it's running your life, trying to give your family the life you never had and finally being able to do things you were unable to, that just beats it all.

Once again, Taint manages to suppress yet another argument XD They are a few examples of rich, there are many more that look down at the lower class, even some that despise them. If more people helped each other, then maybe everyone would live better, even the 1st world countries. Our morals are all wrong.

That's why we have to add zombies. 

To correct the morals.

Does it really? Morality is based on fear of judgement. Either from peers, a higher power in religion or a higher power in some kind of law or order. Morality on a basis of survival wouldn't be to take what you need and leave the rest for others. It would become more to feast on lust, desire, wants and needs and everything in between if it could be fit. A man who finds peace would take the opportunity to feed himself on his wants and desires of a woman if the chance rose up and things would remain safe. And even then, if it wasn't safe there are men who still would, or just gag them and force the girl to keep going to a safer place so he could finish. Stealing from someone less fortunate because you have a gun? Once more zombies would only increase this. Many would find that they could survive better alone and wait for the world to get better that way if they can hole up long enough. May not be right, but to them it would seem that way. So what if you kill someone to take their things? There should be other survivors, right? Strip them of what they have, then use their meat to either eat, feed to animals around you, or test it as bait. You correct no morals. You just turn them to make things worse, and for people to die. The so called lower class of America would be some of the first to go. The upper class, who have thick walls and a steel gate with rent-a-cops would have a good chance since those gates could hold. Their neighborhoods with cops patrolling through them? Every couple of houses having guns? Ammunition? Just because they can? The lower class will be impoverished and some will not have protection, and those that could have had it would have sold it to help themselves survive with the little money they had. To correct morals you must either destroy the levels of high and lower classes, and even the middle class. Equality, and strict control over those below you, then grind them until they have no way out but to work for the community or the country or even the continent. To create a perfect world is to destroy what many of us would call enjoyment, even if it means destroying the suffering that others feel. Morality has no meaning, EZ. It all just depends on how you feel of things and weighing the consequences to see which benefits you more.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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