Wicked Zombies


The city is near void of life now, infested with the undead who are either dispersing or hunting down what ever survivors have holed up long enough. Outside of the city are a couple of abandoned Rescue Sites, and one military base outside of the city half a mile away, all infested with zombies. A survivor camp quite a bit away has its own area set up. A community of fourteen males, eight females, nine children and two of the elderly. They have resources and have taken control of a farm, having the resources to keep their plants growing. Note: If you so much as look infected they will open fire, but this will only occur at night, as they have scopes for the day to help identify people. 


Inside the city safe houses are scattered around by people who either had to much time on their hands, were already prepared for this whole thing or subjected themselves to long amounts of L4D games before making one of their own the moment they heard about the infection. These are stockpiled with basic legal weaponry such as hand guns, hunting shotguns, hunting rifles and a few other things. Food is also stocked, as well as a ham radio in most and a television in all, though other than re-runs of old shows, a few news broadcasting sites, and CDC health hazard warnings that will forever be on replay until someone shuts it off, nothing interesting or helpful is on.

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Luc didn't get far before hearing the gunshot. He turned a bit, looking at the open doorway he had just passed through, and closing his eyes. His weight shifting from side to side before he gave up and set off down the hall at a quick pace. He cought a glimpse of the man he had seen before, and smelled the thick, musty scent of wounds and death. He looks at the doorway he had seen Miko go through, before pushing it upen slowly and staring at the single live man sorrounded by dead.

John heard the door open and turned around to look who had entered. He looked at his blood covered hands, the blood covering his entire body. His eyes were red from all the tears. He noticed the guy as the crazy guy from earlier. He had a blank look on his face, his eyes scanning the scene in front of him.

He couldnt find any words to say to him. The suspense and tension was obvious. Neither man knew what to say to each other, the slightest thing would trigger them off, then all hell would break loose. John decided to break the awkward silence, by saying the only thing he could.

"I think I need a shower."

The sound of helicopters echoed, propellers slowing down a bit as the ships landed on the flat end of the boat, eight AC-130 Gunships in total. A bit over a hundred men poured out, a mix of British and Stalker troops in about an even assortment. They expected the bodies, picking up corpses and tossing them over the ledge of the boats, several squads going off to find survivors while the rest got the ship back in working condition or helped with the wounded.


The Gunships rested themselves, though the only person who stayed inside seemed more worried than relaxed, it being Lieutenant Xiao Yung, the only American soldier to have been sent on this mission. He rested his AK74u between his legs, dusting it off a bit even though it was in better condition than a brand new gun. The weapon itself was remodeled for him for the most part. Insides taken out and a few replaced while other pieces were adjusted to increase firing speed, the muzzle adapted for better accuracy, the trigger changed out, sights adjusted and a grip forged for it. He eyed the gun, working on the stock a bit, removing it to add his own personal stock, sighing a bit as he wasted a good half hour doing so, trying to keep his mind occupied from going outside. He didn't want to leave until they hit the shores or were ordered to start occupying boats.

Luc stared at him for another moment before nodding slowly. He got his bearings together quickly, or at least, faster than he usually did. "If you want to. I don't think it will help much where we're going." He forces a smile. Thinking that mabe, it would loosen tension, and might be a bit more relaxed. He sure as hell needed some relaxation. "Like showering fight before you jump right back into a bloodpool. Right?"
Ten British infantry quickly scrambled down the hallway in an orderly fashion that would allow them to not trip over each other. One noticed Luc and John, stopping for a second and telling their officer that they would stay back and watch the situation in case wounds were present. The other two squads hurried off again, leaving the troop who adjusted their rifle a bit before tugging lightly at the gas mask to loosen it up, giving the two Stalkers a nod, "What's up, boys?"
Luc half turned, blinking once, and thinking to himself in silence. 'Two brits. How lucky am I.' He smiled faintly, though, in a more or less welcoming gesture, and returned the nod. "Nothing much." He looked around a bit more, mainly noting the dead bodies around them. He bit the inside of his lip, tasing blood before he stopped and looked back to the man. Flexing his hands in silence. Again, he had no clue what to say other then what he had.

John looked at the Brit in front of him, glaring at him with anger in his eyes.

"Where the fuck were you when we needed you eh? Look at these bodies here, look around you! You could've stopped this, you could've saved these men! I'm sorry if you don't like my welcome, but I really don't wanna see you guys now, especially your commander."

John turned to the other Stalker.

"Shall we go?"

He looked at the one he could safely assume was John, before nodding once. He had been in a simmilar posision before. Exept the troops he had killed where not injured. And there was not as much... stress. "Mm. I suppose we should." He stepped around the new Brit, and waited in the hallway for John.
The Brit scoffed a little before standing up, not really being able to blame John, though that didn't call for the harsh tone, "Right, soldier, we could have solved it all, but we were on a tight schedule saving three British regiments and a Stalker camp from infected. This call was given last second by Elite Veteran Medrikov. If we didn't show up when we did there would be plenty more dead than just a hand full of your blokes." The soldier yanked down the gas mask, exposing her partially pale skin, her one blue one green eye giving a small reflection of the light, "Anyways, you two arses go have a fun trip moping around, I've got lives to save and if you want to waste your time and let them fade away like the dead ones here then I guess that's your choice." She shoved her way past John and Luc, giving a light jog to go and search rooms on the next hall for survivors.
Luc watched her. Realising she was an actual 'She'. He raised a brow, watching her job down the hall. The only woman he had seen in the long time was his sweets. And she wasn't realy talkitive. He couldn't help but smile, for some reason, and chuckle. Some things got lighter as you walked through them. A light at the end of the tunnel. He looked to John a bit impatently. "Should we go now?"

John stared in awe at the woman. It didn't subdue his anger, but it was certainly a surprise. He watched her jog off, his mind confused at how he had to go AWOL, lose everything, only to get British support in the end. He wondered what had happened to James, but according to the soldiers there was trouble at JFK. He contemplated whether he should get a radio off one of the British troops, but decided against it in case the Russians intercepted it.

He walked over to the Stalker, and they began to walk away.

"You know what I miss? The infected, they were so easy to fight, and they didnt swear at you in a foreign language too!" John chuckled, and they both carried on down the corridor. 

Luc smiled. Even laughed. It seemed full of life, and joy, but it was a simple change in mood. He had tried hard to be happy. Because when one was happy. It often spread. And by what he had been through already. He well knew so much gloom and feeling of depression got to him, and others, that wasn't very good to the people surrounding. Not only because they felt it, too. But because he went off under those circumstances. And he knew it. His features didn't change, however. He had trusted his gut for years. And that one feeling led him through a lot of situations to keep him alive. And at that moment, he new what he had to do. "I do, too. My Katanas.." He layed his hands on the swords gently "Only go so far against guns. But with the undead.... It is a very nice sport I'd like you to try out one day. Mabe after we finish this. You know what I miss?" He looked at John, still smiling lopsidedly. "Steak. And Lobster. Warm, cooked, seasoned food."


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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