Wicked Zombies


The city is near void of life now, infested with the undead who are either dispersing or hunting down what ever survivors have holed up long enough. Outside of the city are a couple of abandoned Rescue Sites, and one military base outside of the city half a mile away, all infested with zombies. A survivor camp quite a bit away has its own area set up. A community of fourteen males, eight females, nine children and two of the elderly. They have resources and have taken control of a farm, having the resources to keep their plants growing. Note: If you so much as look infected they will open fire, but this will only occur at night, as they have scopes for the day to help identify people. 


Inside the city safe houses are scattered around by people who either had to much time on their hands, were already prepared for this whole thing or subjected themselves to long amounts of L4D games before making one of their own the moment they heard about the infection. These are stockpiled with basic legal weaponry such as hand guns, hunting shotguns, hunting rifles and a few other things. Food is also stocked, as well as a ham radio in most and a television in all, though other than re-runs of old shows, a few news broadcasting sites, and CDC health hazard warnings that will forever be on replay until someone shuts it off, nothing interesting or helpful is on.

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John ran to the top deck, to glance at incoming Russia. He couldn't see any Russian troops on the shore, so he guessed they were all lying in wait. He looked down at the water, trying to peer through the surface. He missed his family, missed home. Suddenly James noticed movement, a figure stumbling across the landscape. He pulled his binoculars from his pouch, and looked towards the figure. He flipped the NV on, and tried to identify the figure. He could see a the tattered remains of a Russian uniform, but the way the figure moved, it wasnt normal. He followed the figure, which had bent over something. It buried it's head into the ground, and John waited for it's head to reappear. The head lifted over the horizon again, but strings of something were hanging from it's mouth. James heard some commotion on the ship to his right, but relaxed when he saw a dinghy heading towards the shore with troops. The figure turned towards John, as though it could see him even from all that distance. John realized that the thing was infected, and those men were heading straight into it. He tried to call out to them, but they were too far for them to hear him. He know realized what the Russians had done. They had tricked them, tricked them into thinking that they had set up defensive positions here, when really they hadnt even cleared this part of undead. With Russia's huge population, who knows how many infected were here, and the rest that have drifted over from central Europe. They could be facing billions of the dead, way too many for them to handle. John sprinted to where he had last seen Miko, and thankfully he was still nearby.

"Miko! Miko! I have some alarming news! I was on the decks, and I saw something move on the shore. I took out my binoculars and it's an infected. Those ships were bait, they wanted us to land our men here! The men on that boat are going into certain death, they won't make it back if you don't warn them now. Russia is huge, and if most of it's population are infected, and are here along with the infected from Europe, then we are fucked." 

Miko looked to John, sighing a bit as he noted this, "Yes, I know. That's why God invented satellites and heat vision goggles. We scanned over the area. There's infected, so I briefed the men over it. They're a scouting party. They will find a safe place, and then we will move in and secure the rest of the territory. And, I really didn't think the Ruskies had it in them to throw away tens of thousands of lives on boats just to lure a small two hundred party group of soldiers to their deaths. Who knows, maybe they're stupid enough to let that happen." 


He popped open a Corona, taking a swig of it, "Mmh, anyways, it's only a few along the border. When they get back in contact we're going in with the rest of the boats. If they don't contact us then we're going to use the satellites to find them and still go in. Sound fair enough, John?"

Luc watched her leave. Alone again? He smiled to himself grimly, turning on his heel to climb to the upper deck. He wanted to watch the sky. That, at least, was a bit refreshing. Calming, even. Once he reached a point, words from Miko reached his ears, making him pause. Listening. Infected? The corners of his mouth, twitch, and he steps out onto the deck. Seeing John and Miko. "I wasn't told of infected. I thought there where just.. Russians." His hands go down to the blades he wore at his sides, and he grins. "Are we goin to be able to go in?"
Miko looked to Luc and smirked a bit, "Well of course we're going to be able to go in. Video footage of the zombies shows that they're slow moving, and most stay exposed to the winter so they fall apart in the cold. We should be good for the most part." He sipped his coke, relaxing into the wall, turning his vision to John, "Though, if you would rather lead a team in there to reinforce the initial scouting party, I'd be happy to have Luc accompany us both there."
Lucs smile turned a bit savage. The glint in his eye clear. He walks foward to the edge, and looks at the land, at the undead. His fingers tightening around his Katanas. His silver blue eyes scan the ground, he mentally taking notes of where it would be best to start. He shivered. It was going to be fun.
"Maybe the Russians thought we were larger than this. After all, we did wipe out an entire base, and now all of these men. I hope your right, because I want to go in on the first boat. I won't be staying with you guys though once we land on shore, I'm heading south. I'm gonna set up a post there, keep a check on our flank to give you guys warning. Plus, I heard it's rather nice down there this time of year." John chuckled, and took a swig of his tea.
Miko rose a brow at John before shaking his head a bit, "John... I seriously don't want people thinning out. If we have less numbers than we have less of a chance of just taking out each surrounding city one at a time. This is a forward advance with all troops to leave the territory barren. A full march from one side of Russia to the other."
Luc turned, walking back to the two of them. His eyes practicly glowing with exitement. "Look. Miko's right. We dont have enough people to go this way and that. Really." He looks over to John for a moemnt before speaking again. "It is clear Russia is infected.. So we might as well have some fun." He grinned. Crossing his arms over his chest.

John groaned in frustration before leaning his head back against the wall.

"Okay well, I guess I'm sticking around then. Although, Russia is a big place. Maybe if we send teams to the surrounding towns and settlements, maybe we can turn them against their own? It looks as if the Russians left the civvies to fend for themselves. If we offer them protection, and in return they fight for us, our numbers would greatly increase, what you think?"

Luc looks at him for a moment. "Wern't.... We just going.. to land an attack on the Russians? Yes. We where." He sighed softly, itching to go and take down the infected, but he forced himself to stay where he was, however tempting jumping off the boat might be. He would get his chance, without ding something like that anyways. "One. I highly doubt they would accept help, or agree to offer it. I say. Kill the Russians and infected alike. They are both enemies."

John stares back. "Yes we are. We are fighting the Russian Army, not the whole of Russia. We need to at least give the innocent a chance to survive, we can't lose our humanity here."

"Innocents will only down the supply of food, area of shelter. Ultimetly drowning out recources. In they cannot protect themselves they are only a burden, and if they can they are perfectly fine on their own." He looks away from John and out to the coast once more. He knew it was cruel, but it was the way it was.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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