Wicked Zombies


Is it true that zombies exists, well i conduct a research back then and i stumble on this article about a nazi officer who shore that there were these super soldier that can take such amount of bullets and will continue to fight not to eat their adversaries but again to fight and an interview with an american military officer of ww 2 according to him that him and his two other soldier buddies as they scout some where in berlin during the war they encounter a sinister nazi soldier that he swear they emptied they mags on this particular soldier but still it kept standing and charging towards them, this happens at night time but the most intriguing factor about this soldier is it, according to him the nazi soldier growls and it is hairy with a foul doggy odor. Hmmm..... what you dudes and dudets think ?

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i doubt the nazi soldier that guy ran into was a zombie. reason being zombies dont growl they moan and as far as odor goes, they smell of rotten flesh and not dog. rotten flesh is a smell that cant be mistaken by any soldier. go to a VA hospital and interview the men there. when a man tells you about his bad experiances in war (if they are willing to talk on them) one of the things they might bring up is the decaying flesh smell and how they will never forget it. my uncle was in nam and even he stated the same thing. so i seriously doubt that these guys ran into a zombie bro. i did do some research into the nazi's and their unethical prodjects though. i found some papers on microfilm that pertained to experiments with human DNA and that of primates to make a new type of stronger, more powerful super soldier that they could control. so if they did find a way to do this then that was probably what they encountered in berlin. and if they emptied their mags into it, it probably died sometime later in a building that got hit with a bomb and got burned up. but the discription they gave dont match a zombie. but i also found hints in the micro film documents about hitler's drive to make an undead soldier so there might be a few of these things kicking around from WWII out there just yet.
Thats some wild shit, man. I know they have some zombies on record from Haiti. They really have a zombie powder thats made from the poisonous puffer fish. When you breath it, you die and then your soul is trapped after death. I believe that its real.
You do have to take in count that back then the Germans were leading the way in all areas of science from genetic mutations to trying to map the human gnome. Plus when ever they had P.O.Ws that were geared or trained in science they would engulf them with their own doctors to learn all they could. In saying this we could also imply that its more then possible that they could have gotten the famous soviet super solider genetic markers, in which the rumors were that they had found a way to cross DNA from select animals and inject it into human subjects changing them into advanced humans. I do also believe we need to bring up hilters obession with the occult and supernatural. We'll never know all of what was really going on until the great great granchildern of these test subjects start to show up and make their presence known. But you asked about zombies. And techniclly a zombie is any one that has come back from the dead thus in my opinion anyone who has flat lined and the doctors were able to bring back does quilify as a form of zombie.... including those of us who were stil-births but honestly I have never had the urge to eat flesh.
i learned one thing about the military when i hung around the veterans brother. never underestimate the military and their TRUE intentions and objectives. the regulars may have been a hundred or so miles away. but what about the commandos? even in World War II they had crack teams made for a special purpose. so who's to say that the men in the topic outline were not a part of one of these teams? hence forth, never underestimate the military. with any military there is a fine line between a lie and a myth and it gets blurred real easy brother.


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Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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