Wicked Zombies


Hidden In Those So Called 'Helpful' Flu Shots And of Course The H1N1.Not too far fetched imo.They got shit hidden inside that will eventually but slowly GET u.Undetectable of course..perhaps the strat of zombieism?*shrugs*That's why I have yet to get either of them and that's my story and i'm stickin to it(I know it's conspiracy type talk but we all know the Gov is EVIL)Cheers!

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i have always believed its not just our government but the way our things are processed in general. you hit the nail on the head when it comes to the H1N1 and the SWINE FLU ANTI VIRUS shots. when you get those bastards. they not only have an anti virus for swine flue but at least 8 other flu viruses as well! the pneumonia shots have at least 9 strains of pneumonia anti viral agents in it. now with that in mind. think about what we eat and drink every day. pick any food or drink item in a grocery store and read the ingredients its made from. you need a fucking chemistry book just to translate a third of them. and all of them have some kind of side effect or another. cancer, allergy warnings, things of that nature. now combine all this crap in our bodies (which stores this shit in our bodies fat and muscle cells by the way) with all these wonder cures and what do you got. a magic switch for the zombie apocalypse just waiting to be flipped. and this has been going on for years. do you know most foreign countries wont allow our instant mashed potatoes past their customs departments and into their borders? its because they have more chemicals and preservatives then they will allow on their market. i cant drink DIET COKE here in the USA because of its high acid content. i found i can drink it in Istanbul Turkey though. wanna take a guess why? because they have a higher standard for foods imported into their country then we do here in America for Christ sake. for all carbonated drinks to be allowed into that country. they have to cut the acid content by half its normal amount. it not only makes this stuff taste better,but does not effect the carbonation in it at all. due to this and other things i could go into, i also feel the zombie apocalypse will happen here before it does anywhere else. just because our government, the AMA, and all our food producing companies use you, me, and anyone else they can get to swallow their product and use for guinea pigs and lab rats!
ive always believed the same, whether intentional or not, one of the easiest ways to begin and spread the infection will be through the shots, the vaccines. Think of how many children get the annual flu shot ever season, not as many adults continue to get them, but enough thatd it be too late to stop it once it started...now thats if our govt intentionally begins a widespread infection...not likely, but perhaps some sort of "super cure" will be developed (similar to the novel Feed, the cure for cancer and the common cold was distributed and ended up causing the zombie infection in EVERYONE), so with this "super cure" something goes wrong after its administered, hell it may even take years...but flu shots and vaccines are a strong possibility yes
you wanna hear some scary shit? last winter i went around asking what flu viruses were covered by the shot. over half didnt KNOW and the ones that DID KNOW. they really didnt want to tell and are not obligated to tell you. so if you go to say like a Walmart pharmacy for the flu shot and ask for it and to exclude the H1N1 anti virus. 9 times out of 10 they are gonna lie to you and say that it does not have it mixed in and hit you with it anyway. or just refuse to tell you and expect you to extend your arm for the shot anyway. so for all pretenses and purposes, i would just skip the shots all together.
Cvs ,and pathmark pharmacy have H1N1 in it and they def will tell you it does ..
the places here where i live are anything but honest to you and its not just here in Springfield. its all over Ohio. the drug reps pay a bonus by the amount of shots given per flu season. here in Ohio, the phrase "Money talks and Bullshit Walks" is a way of life and the doctors are no different.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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