Wicked Zombies


If our friend or loved ones was a zombie and trying to kill you would you find a cure or treatment for this situation? It is hard to kill someone we really love right?....

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come on guyz need response...


This is a question I struggle with when ever I think about the zombie apocalypse. We all say how we could just shoot and kill the undead but when it is a family member or komrad will we be able to follow through?

of course everyone will be hoping and praying for a cure...but I mean, what can we do, capture and chain up our loved ones like Bub in DOTD? Of course if I was face to face with a member of my family, especially, God forbid, my mother or brother or sister, Ill be honest, it would be so hard to actually pull the trigger/smash theyre heads...(pulling a trigger would be a little easier than smashing them though)...but...I dont believe anybody is gonna stand there and watch as your loved one bites you, survival instince/panic will take over, and I believe we would all do the unthinkable...

now, if there was a chance for a cure/treatment, sure Id devise a plan and capture them, lock/chain them up...

not if they already turned into a zombie. i would drop them like a bad habit. they would want it that way. i know i would.

but zombie can wait a long long time in this world for the cure to discovered so why dont we just make a place for them(a strong place not only chain) for them to wait until we find a cure... but if its really hopeless so its better to kill them soon so that their soul will be in rest in peace and in not in the hand of the demon....i will kill them because i love them thats the right word for this discussions tnx guyz...

I can promise you all here and now... if any Komard bekomes infekted I will not hesitate to put you down, and yes i expekt the same from you. As for my family and loved ones seeing has how most of them are religious to one degree or another I wouldn't have a problem releasing them from the strangling grip of zombie-hood. once you are biten and khange you are no longer yourself.
in a lot of ways i dont see a cure for the undead because the key word here is spelled D-E-A-D. if you are talking about like an immunization shot for the living so that when you die you dont return then my answer is yes. but once bitten without the shot then the undead you become and put down is all there is left to do. so warehousing the dead like so much canned goods waiting for the magic "cure" is pointless in itself. if i become bitten, kill me. my standing order. if someone i care about is bitten, they have a choice. bullet now. or bullet after the death and reanimation. either way. it ends in a bullet. thats the cure. copper coated candy.

so bullet is your answer ha...nice one komrad your so brave hope to see you in the other side


its just cold hard truth. you cant cure death much less undeath if you will. there might be a way to immunize against the bites being fatal. maybe even from coming back after death. but until then. the only cure is a bullet to the brain pan. i dont like it anymore then the next guy but it would be foolish to look at it any other way.
Dead is dead so there is no cure just death again.
only cure is to put them down, sad but true
you got that right brother.


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Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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