Wicked Zombies


Since most people believe that animals won't become extinct during the apocalypse, which animals could the few human survivors use to their advantage?

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Well, if you were set up in a farm type situation, something sustainable, I'd say fiber and meat producing animals would be important.
i guess at the same time though, these animals can be quite loud.
Dogs number one, companionship and hunting...but heres a good one...The Stone Crab, with this crab you can remove its claw and it will grow another one, thus making it a sustainable source of food...(obviously this would only be available in select places), catch a boatload of these bad boys, remove all their claws, throw them back, enjoy the claws (crab is sooooo so so good) and let them regrow...

What if the water is the contaminated source?! AHHHH!!! Zombie Crabs! :P

Yeah, crabs sound unpleasant to take care of. lol I know that it sucks to have a hermit crab. haha
bad idea to remove all their claws. they will need at least one to eat with. if you remove both claws. they will starve to death and no more food source.
well I know, I meant remove one at a time from them, they have two claws the larger is the "crusher" and the smaller is the "pincher"
and chickens...
chickens are harder to raise because they need grain to be fed. that means growing corn and other such grains. cattle on the other hand can graze wild like a horse or goat. excellent animal to use for a food source. when it comes to birds for food. i would rather hunt them then raise them. birds like duck, quail, and pheasant. taste great and even the feathers can be used. pillows, insulation for coats, things like that.
I grew up with lots of birds everywhere. My dad raised them. Turkey, quail, ducks, chickens, guineas, etc. One thing I can say about birds is they are damn annoying and they make a ton of noise. TONS of noise. Noise just seems like bad news to me.

Fiber can be used for insulation and stuffing. Wools, alpaca, etc.
Maybe something small, with a personality and quiet. Like a ferret or some sort of other small rodent type animal? Something to love without giving away your location.
that is where a cat is awesome in that capacity. Ash and Tigger (r.i.p. buddy) always stay at my side when i am home and if there was something wrong. they would always let me know. plus a cat can keep your digs clear of rodents. Tigger was never a mouser though. guess he hated the taste. lol.


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