Wicked Zombies


Topic Of The Day: The Not-So-Fabulous Life Of A Computer Geek

   My brother, who moved out in January and started college about the same time, needs a girlfriend. Seriously. He lives with three guys, no women, in an itty-bitty two bedroom apartment. His GPA is dropping  rapidly, from a 3.7 to a sad 1.2.

   Are all siblings so completely idiotic, or is it just my own dumb ass brother--the one who can't get any? I mean, I know most people view their sibs as some kind of alien from planet Dip-Shit, but are all siblings hopeless causes?

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College is much harder than it sounds and not everyone is cut out for it.
I don't just mean college, I mean high school, too. He got himself up shit creek without a paddle until senior year, when he had to retake most of his classes.
I'll rephrase then. Life is much harder than it seems and not everyone is cut out for it. Some people just take way, wayyyyy longer to "bloom" than others.
well, it sounds like, living with 3 other guys in a little tiny college apartment, hes caught up in the "extra-ciriccular" activites of college, hes partying, and ignoring his work, now a girlfriend in and of itself wont necessarily solve this, BUT I know what you mean, the problem is living with all the other dudes he cant help but be surrounded by the partying and nonsence, a steady girl would help to level him out, but he would have to move out and live with her...thats probably a big step for a couple college kids...hopefully he just gets all the initial I guess infatuation out his system and realizes hes slippin, and pulls it together. Is he on scholarship?
You know what the sad part is? He hasn't been partying. He's living with his computer nerd best friend, another comp geek, and his ex-girlfriends fiance, who knocked up said ex-girlfriend when my bro was still dating her. My brother? Yeah, he's had sex twice, and both times when he was still in high school. The last time he partied was about two years ago, and I was at the same place. The only thing he really does is play Black Ops on his flat screen.
Well, at least he's playing Black Ops instead of whoring around like a lot of college kids. There could be way worse things going on here from the way it sounds. He's not partying and he's not having promiscuous sex. Sounds like someone who has the chance to pull it together. If he STARTS partying and starts having tons of sex, which you probably won't figure out, then maybe there's more to be worried about. Just take a good lesson from his mistakes and worry about you. I have found, now that I'm almost 27, that if I sit around worrying about what my brothers are or aren't doing it's just a waste of time. I can assure you, I've dealt with way weirder than a video game addiction. ;) But it is an addiction for sure and it can interfere with progressing in life.
You have a point. But there's also that thing where he's trying to get into my best friend's pants even after she breaks up with him. He's 19, my best friend's 15
Well ya didn't mention that. ;) That's sort of desperate. lol (and illegal)
Yeah, its pretty messed. I just don't know what to do about him. I mean, he's going down hill, and I think I'd rather have him partying and having sex then staying at his apartment, trying to grope Sarah and playing video games all day.
Personally, I wanna know as LITTLE about my brothers sex lives as humanly possible. Which isn't, seeing as my brothers both have made interesting lifestyle choices. lol


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