As i strolled through the list here and even posted on a few. A lot of things got me to go down memory lane so to speak. Funny how different things can do that. A sight, a smell, even a piece of music. Any music really. Let me start things off with a piece of music that opened my eyes to the beauty and serenity of a place that history has touched many times in some way or another. A piece of music that when i close my eyes and listen to it. I think of a far away land I like to think of as home and the heart of a woman who means the world to me and soon will make my wife. This music that touches me so is called the Azan. Its the muslim call to prayer that is played every morning that starts at one side of the city and ends at the other. It blankets the whole city in a prayer of music. I would sit every morning with my girl and listen to it with a hot cup of tea and breakfast. What small piece of music hits that part of you that brings a special memory back. What if you wish to share, is that memory? And how does it lift you to this day?
I mean this is pretty self explanitory, but I remembered I played this song for my mom one time on Mothers Day, granted she HATES rap...but she was still pretty touched by it...
Hahaha...this song helped me through my 1st breakup ever
Tell me about it...half my lifetime ago literally. @ BestBuy today I saw some cool Pantera and Metallica shirts today. Nostalgia!
I was driving when I first heard this song and just couldn't stop crying.
this song was my mother's favorite.
no words i can use would do her justice.
this song makes me feel like she is still here...and still feel the mother's love that she, and all mothers radiate.
Love ya mom!
Sorry about the issues you've been having wit your bro. That verse gave me chills though!
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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