Wicked Zombies


We all a our opinion on what and how zombies are.

But have you ever thorght of the possibilities of them not being brainless and reasonabeless.

My opinion is that it would make the hunt alot more intesting than sitting in one place blowing their heads off as soon as you ahve a clear shot.

And your..............?

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i personally dont underestimate my enemy. i do think that they retain a certain amount of what they are with them as they change. and when changed, use this knowledge to hunt for their food. humans! so do i think that a zombie is brainless? no, at least not till one of my bullets or my spiked club destroys their skull that is. so my most sound advise to all of our members and all humanity.

like you, i agree they will start out as a rage zombie. however as time takes its toll on the rotting body and damage is taken. i think they will slow down. but for the record. i hope and pray we get the slow and lumbering kind. as it is both are dangerous in large groups and not to be underestimated.
return of the living dead hadthe zombies eating folks brain, being dead seems to hurt.
and only brains drove the pain away for a bit.
damn thinking zombies!
yeah but in RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD THERE was only one way to kill those things and it was not the bullet in the head. god forbid we have to deal with a puss bag that can only be put down by burning them to ashes. if thats the case then our job will never be done. lol
land of the dead was not the only example of this happening. in day of the dead, whenever rickles and his crew would get a zombie out of the corral. they would have to do more and more to bait the zombies because they were learning that when humans appeared, some of their numbers disappeared. then there was dr. logans star student BUD. he learned very quickly. and on top of that he was a miltary man before a zombie. so now we had a zed that by instinct and training can use a gun. with this in mind, just what exactly are we going to face out there? if one can use a gun what of others? bud is a great example of what i been saying all along. their retaining something of themselves is what they can use to hunt their food source. us. this also brings another thought to my mind. what happens to those of us who get bitten and are not lucky enough to get a bullet in the head afterwards? if they retain something of themselves in death, that means when one of our fallen turns. we will need to change the security measures all together or we could end up over run. another good example of this is the helicopter pilot in dawn of the dead. after he changed he took them right to the hidden wall they made right to the stair case and to their living area. the 2 survivors barely made it out because they didnt have time to change things if one of them died and to tell the total truth didnt expect or anticipate for one of them to die and come back to hunt the survivors. so this brings me to my original question in this comment. what do we do when it comes to our fallen who are not fortunate to be put down before reanimating into a zombie?
Well this is where it starts to become intrasting.
Who here will have the heart to savagelly murder a companion in cold blood???????

My geus would be know one that is why there is a group of war angels that bid ofer our war hero's.
We will look after our own as it sutes the need evan when it mean's to kill them.

My point is a well put together troop will mean there is always ways to insure that each job gets done with out the possibelities of failer
if the komrad is already dead or is infected then its not murder. if they turned into a zombie they are dead anyway. now if bitten. they are infected and will die and reanimate. so then its a choice. put them out of their misery or let them walk around and eat people and suffer in the next life. given the choice i would hope to be shot then to be a zombie any day.
This concept is what is scariest to me. The dead returning is fascinating but if they were say still able to communicate with each other and plan as a group then it would be hopeless. Hence The Rising and City of the Dead. In Keene's world even the animals are dead and can communicate with all other zombies. So you have flocks of dead birds and masses of dead rats gaining intel for the human zombies to use against the living. They are even able to raid National Guard armories so they really kick our ass. I love this concept and it is way scarier than a stupid shambler for sure. As far as intelligent "living" zombies go then Simon Clark has that area cornered. David Moody's Hater and Richard Laymon's One Rainy Night also use them and these books very frightening for sure. If the zombie retains memory then we need to avoid all MMA fighting zombies. Frank Mir as a zombie? Scary business.
as far as i am concerned. when it comes to that kind of zombie and a loved one. who would want to live in either state? i would not. and i doubt others would. so as far as taking them out goes. no. i would have no problem with it even if they had their wits about them. also think about this. if they have their IQ intact, would they not have a nervous system that is active? they would feel themselves rot. that would be damnation for the damned. you would be doing them a favor. so even if they be brain or flesh seeking monsters, killing them would be no problem. it would be granting them the mercy that death being a heartless bastard, did not.
its not cruel and selfish to want your loved one back. but sometimes you have to think of them and sometimes that means stepping outside of ourselves to do the hardest thing of all. and thats to do what is needed for that loved one and doing what needs to be done. i know this from personal experiance.
Check out the Origional "The walking dead" comic (back in 89, not the new one) They form thier own gangs and hunt the "meats" aka the living. With guns/vehicles.
now that would be a nightmare world.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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