Wicked Zombies


Hey Wicked zombie friends, I have brainstormed a new novel idea with a couple of my other wicked zombie friends and I am going to publish it. It's a zombie anthology, but the twist is that it is going to include actual recipe's that you could make if you were actually in a zombie apocalypse. Combining things that are non perishable and could be obtained by savaging and scrounging in the midst of a zombie plague. Things like Spam and Bean casserole,Tuna mac and Cheese, Lemon Pepper squirrel on a stick, sardine surprise... etc. 

I want those of you who feel you have a knack for writing to come up with some fantastic zombie short stories and at the end of them, add your idea for a recipe you think could be created with ingredients that could be found in a post apocalyptic zombie landscape. If you are creative and want to give it a try, please visit my website and submit your short story to me. www.keithcarpenter.biz The entries will be reviewed by my publisher and those who are chosen for the anthology will get a portion of book sales. So for those of you interested, let's make yet another awesome zombie survival novel and share the love. 


Keith Carpenter

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We have some very good authors on WZ so I kan not wait to read~

BITS AND PIECES- The Zombie Anthology Survival Cook Book

yeah i actually know of something that has a long shelf life its called pemmican look it up with chokecherries bullberries and blueberries it tastes awsome

Cool, write up a short zombie story and add your recipe at the end. The question I get a lot is "does the story have to contain the recipe in the story arch" and my answer is not at all. if it does cool but the recipe can just be an extra at the end after the story is finished. The recipe aspect is really a novelty. i want this to be a stand alone anthology that happens to have some cool recipe's at the end of each story. 




can we just submit the recipes only or do you want both recipe and story. i am not a good writer but i can make and come up with some good recipes. i was trained as a short order cook. by the way. i would love to read this book when it comes out.

Hmmmmmm well the object was to have a story with a recipe, but I guess you could submit just a recipe if you ike... and I can pair it up with a story. Like I said the recipes are really just a novelty as I really want the 'meat' of the book to be the awseome short stories in it. so yeah if you have a couple of recipes you think would work, pls submit them.... 

visit www.keithcarpenter.biz to submit. 




Oh this is right up my alley! I am an aspiring writer myself...how short are you looking for the stories to be? 1 page, 2-3?
Ok, I checked out the submissions page, cool, I have the details...except for the deadline, do you have one set already?

The stories should be up to about 10 to 20 pages, but can be less and if the story really rocks it can be more. No real limit but just want them to stay in the "short story" category... don't want novels. I would love to get this out end of Aug or so, so you have some time but they all have to be edited as well... so as soon as possible is best. So Wayne, hope to hear from you soon. 


I've already begun working on it, I'm one full page through!! I've written short stories in the past, but I almost always wrote 1-2 page...never really attempted much more, so this is a nice challenge for me...my Comp and Lit class we just completed a whole section on short stories, so I got to read and study a bunch of them. Really helped strengthen my talents!!!
This is a fantastic idea. We really do have some great writers here. We had some fantastic RPs going with some very detailed characters and story lines. I'm sure that our members could come up with some really awesome stuff. Can't wait to see what comes out of this!
I think I might try to. I'm interested in writing, used to write ALL the time. I sort of stopped when I got into college. Have you had much response to this?
funny, people usually write MORE in college, lol, thats what revamped my passion, I had stopped writing for a while too until I got back in school...now Im back on it


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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