Wicked Zombies


due to the fact,im a zombie geek.i've had a good look around the"net"for zombie movies.

and i have found some outstanding flims,yet crap. in fact worst than a big bag of crap flims.

it seem to me people have taken the piss out of the fear of zombies.

make shit spin off's from computer games(not resident)cause milla is milla.and she could make any flim good.ok i like milla.oh and remakes not dawn of the dead remake.which i thought (ok running zombies)but still was very good.

but im thinking home made flims from REAL gene freaks keep that fear going.

i have had a chats with wicked zombie friends and it all points to its all about human fear.

yes zombies bit, rip and look horrible but IT'S the fact we car'nt seem to hold it down as humans as a whole and united to fight .race,rich and poor in fact the whole world set up.

the legend "sir"george has it in a nut shell.i just wish more movie people would look at what makes us scared of zombies AND what they bring instead of loads of blood and guts.being on your own,the lost of loved ones,the fact you killed your loved ones.....etc etc.

im just wondering how the "zombie fan" think's about it.






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true....but sitting in a car and turning the wheel is one thing.

even old bub loading his pistol,shaving and tape recorder.

but riding a horse?come on.people that have been riding for years fall off.

how on earth did she ever get on?

ha then when she's off the animal she walk's slow and stiff.

but when riding it she as supple as a human.

just a bad part of the flim!

i admit there are a few things that should have had more thought. but it didnt ruin the film for me. i will always think of George Romero as The King of Horror. his works are classic.

yeah,good plot.the fact that humans AGAIN STILL car'nt work together even when there loved one's have turned.but i can also understand the other half of the ireland wanting to "keep them alive"(well alive ish).and how do they work it out?by shooting each other.

thats the world to day.all this internet,texting,emails,bloody twitter.yet we car'nt agree and sit down and talk and sort things out.

hope zombies car'nt read.there start an attack after reading this.......



I like where you're coming from, Andy. I like the paranoia, angst, and fear that people have when confronted with an impossible dilemma and they have to work with people they wouldn't normally get along with. Honestly, that's probably why George Romero threw a little racism into his movies. This is human nature...and we humans can't help but fuck everything up. Look at the mess the world is in. Honestly, Romero movies are DEFINITELY my favorite zombie movies, with Night of the Living Dead being my favorite. It's ironic how the man who held out the longest through the zombie attack gets shot just as the police were coming to save him.
That may be true, but you could say that about most anything these days. (I mean, specifically about the selling out question. Not everyone's thoughts on specific movies, etc.)

I buy just about every zombie movie that catches my eye.All the great ones are purchased as soon as they make to the stores!!!I as a personal policy,like to view them,by renting them first> But some times you come across some that you never find at the video store,so you just got to take your chances and purchase them.And hope you bought a great one!!! There are really DEAD ONES out there.so choose wisely!!!

lol Wal-Mart has a TON of zombie movies for $5 right now. Cheap and if it sucks you didn't spend much more than renting.

i miss walmart very much. they don't have them in nyc and the one i used to go to in nj is a 2 1/2 hr train ride now. whaa! the mr. and i found a great website that has cheap (some for like 4.95) dvds and they have a huge selection...you guys should check it out... it's http://www.oldies.com



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Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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