Wicked Zombies


The comic novel success.Comes to cable and in my opinion.It's AWESOME!!!Not only a bunch of zombies in pursuit of a never-ending meal.But a great story line.Can't wait for season two!!!

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I agree with you and I know the WZ members are all waiting for season 2.
I haven't seen any of it yet but I'm going to watch it on Netflix as soon as it is on. Looks wicked cool.
Has Scatoma seen them? You are going to have a Zombie OVERLOAD when you watch them back to back!
if it helps any. amazon.com has the first season on blue ray and DVD for around $20.
lol Yeah, tell  me about it. I've already had the entire graphic novel series spoken aloud to me. haha I wonder if it's already on Netflix. I haven't even looked.
Its just fantastic. Unbelievable. I knew nothing of the comics until i read about it in magazines. The books are insane. the hardcovers are so worth it. And the show lived up to it in an amazing way. We're thinking about season two? think about season seven. The show was a big hit and got great reviews and ratings. We are not the only ones wo loved it. this ones gonna last. And the great thing is they havnt even scratched the surface of the story line from the comics. And the creators agreed, that the show will continue to throw us curveballs in regards to the original story line.   
Eh, I'm moving into a new house, whilst it is under construction with a three year old. That has to buy me something. I'm frickin' tired. And I'm not the only one who hasn't seen it.....We had a lot, a lot going on when it aired and missed recording one or two episodes and didn't want to ruin any of it.
lol Totally. And I meant, I'm not the only one who hasn't watched it in my house, to answer V's question. Scat hasn't seen it.
it was this series that finally got my mom and dad hooked on zombies. they used to think of me as a nutball for loving zombies so much. now i share the nutball boat with them. lol. it even has my mom thinking on the question "Is this the place I want to be in when a zombie apocalypse happens?".
I've already seen the 1st season like 3 times because we got it on dvd. I know a lot of people are saying there isn't enough gore but the storyline makes up for it. Can't wait for season 2 in the fall!

First Photos from the Prison in The Walking Dead Season 3

Two new photos have been released from The Walking Dead Season 3 that give us our first look at the Rick and the group at the prison. These images come from EW who also talked to showrunner Glen Mazzara and learned that the prison won’t necessarily be the same type of haven it was in the comic book series:

“I’m incredibly proud of the prison… I think our crew has done a great job. It’s a huge sense of scale and magnitude I haven’t seen on any other show as far as construction. What’s important to us is the prison itself is now a character in the show. It’s a haunted house, it’s scary, it’s frightening, and there are parts of the prison that are always terrifying, that are always inaccessible to our group. It’s not necessarily the blessing that the prison in the comic book turned out to be.”

We’ll be able to see the first footage from the new season during The Walking Dead Season 3 preview weekend taking place this week on AMC, followed by plenty of coverage and footage at the San Diego Comic-Con. Missed any of our previous coverage? Check out our recent articles below:

Source: EW

Also, get this, my mom and stepdad/stepsister live in Griffin, Ga...guess where theyre filming right now? Griffin, Ga...IM planning a trip down there in the very near future...so I will definitely be trying to get a look...thatd be fuckin awesome!


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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