I am looking at working with the airlines and hotels to see if I can get discounts for people coming from out of town. I will keep everyone updated as much as I can. I would love to see some Wicked Zombies in all their glory.
As a bonus, for any interested members, if you register and mention "Wicked Zombies", I will waive the event fee and you will be my guests.
Just sayin.
The Story, in case someone has missed it.
The Safe Zone in Beavercreek Oregon has been compromised, and now has been lost.....
I am sorry to say that a large number of survivors also have been lost, if not by the Zombie attacks, then by the Fuel Air Bombs that were dropped by the Air National Guard, in their attempt to sterilize the area with fire. This was only a temporary fix to the bigger problem, yes the virus was destroyed in this small area.
A small handful of survivors that were able to avoid the infection were in fact almost killed by the fire from the bombs. We were able to Evac them to a local hospital for immediate care. This all happened September 2009, one year has passed and now it is 2011 and are getting reports of a larger virus outbreak.
I hate to call it a Zombie Virus, but I can't explain it any other way. Strangely, this infection is very different. The first Virus outbreak simply "Killed" the victim and then after a short incubation period, maybe 30 minutes, the body would re-animate and attack any living person.
Now this is where it starts to get strange and really bugs the hell out of me. Once a living person is attacked by an infected person, there is no apparent death.
Let me's sort of like the Ebola Virus gone bad, if that's even possible, and since there is no known cure, all we can do is do our best to protect ourselves and loved ones from this menace.
We had a backup plan and we used it with what few survivors that we could save. We had 2 Military Helicopters waiting for us, once everyone boarded, they took us to Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood in Oregon. Our researchers told us... maybe they lied......... what does it matter, they told us that zombies can't survive the freezing cold....but the infected were waiting for us inside.
I am Really happy that the zombies didn't wait until the helicopters landed or we'd all be dead. I'll not forget, there must have been 60 or 70 of them pouring out of the lodge running right for us and in the path of the door guns, once the guns started firing, cutting all of the zombies down, Timberline was out, plan B...
Plan "B" was an Ocean Going Cargo Ship anchored in Astoria Oregon. We have made our home on this cargo ship now for over 13 months and are running low on food and medical supplies and ammunition.
I think one of the survivors is showing symptoms of some virus, I think it may be Ebola!
The symptoms are like this....
The pain, the bleeding out, the convulsions. Internal organs start to decay as though you're already dead, but you're not. Your blood loses its ability to clot, then your Endothelial cells, which form the lining of the Blood Vessels, fail to function, so blood leaks through. Soon it oozes from every orifice..... even from your eyes, pores, and under your fingernails.
Then You Die.!
I have decided to take whatever supplies we have left and board the helicopters and fly to a remote area outside Carlton Oregon which will be our Primary Safe Zone. Since we have not had any radio communication from the military or law enforcement, we have no choice but to remain at our new home and hope the virus runs out of hosts to infect.
News Reports begin to come in, and you can hear a pin drop...
It started about three weeks ago when we heard numerous reports by CNN that a deadly Outbreak of Ebola was reported in the Russian Ukraine. The outbreak might possibly be connected to a Government State Hospital. A wide variety of symptoms from uncontrollable bleeding to the dissolving of internal organs in certain patients, has been reported. The original reports said that the virus was passed through physical contact and is spreading. But the reports were also very optimistic. It seemed that they had a cure and everything was under control.
Until 2 weeks ago!. . . . Reports of similar outbreaks in Germany, Italy and London were heard. Like the swine flu pandemic, CNN followed its progress. It was easy to believe that it was just another outbreak reported in the "Around the World News".
Last week real time reports started hitting local news of its spreading through the Chicago suburbs. Unconfirmed stories of Riots, looting’s, and dead people walking about were also reported as it headed towards the East Coast. Within four days of its reaching Chicago, the reports of it spreading as far as San Francisco, Portland and Seattle were announced.
Yesterday with the possibility of this infectious virus being so close to home, most residence stayed glued to their local TV news networks, or their radio station's. But those news sources were short lived. At 2:43 PM yesterday they stopped. Only hours after the first reported casualties in Portland were suspected, the electrical power and video news service went out. Although almost everyone uses cable television, the cable company provider's are also located in downtown Portland where the first reports began.
With the power off, radio stations kept reporting the news until just before 5:00 PM Friday evening. When with no explanation why, That radio station stopped as well.. . . . .
At 2:43 PM Friday the power grid for community west of the Portland Metro area went out as well. And it was expected that the cause for the TV and radio interruption was the power failure. But what could cause such a wide power disruption.
Join us in Carlton Oregon this July and come as a Survivor or Zombie. Do a bit of camping, enjoy zombie movies at night, meet with other fans of this genre. Enjoy a bite from a selection of food and drink vendors. Participate in workshops and demonstrations all weekend. There will be Raffle Prizes, Door Prizes, Zombie Make-Up provided by Liz The Incredible and her team.
We have organized the second installment of The Zombie Apocalypse Weekend, Now called "Zombie Stock - The Apocalypse" to be held from Friday, July 29th through Sunday, July 31st, on 170 acres of heavily wooded land outside of Carlton, Oregon.
Activities will include Survival Training, Make-Up Demonstrations, Martial Arts Instruction and many other Zombie/ Survival Themed Activities.
The Zombie Stock Weekend will be a great opportunity to get to know other Zombies,
Survivalists, and Zombie Fans, or just relax and spend time with your friends and family. Most importantly, you just might learn how to live through the coming Zombie Apocalypse.
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The WICKED member who has unyielding Dedication and Loyalty to the KOMRADZ:
The WICKED member who has Outstanding Constancy:
The WICKED member who Contributed the most Original Zombie Discussions and Replies:
They will receive a WICKED ZOMBIES Goody Box with Wicked Treats.
Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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