due to the fact,im a zombie geek.i've had a good look around the"net"for zombie movies.
and i have found some outstanding flims,yet crap. in fact worst than a big bag of crap flims.
it seem to me people have taken the piss out of the fear of zombies.
make shit spin off's from computer games(not resident)cause milla is milla.and she could make any flim good.ok i like milla.oh and remakes not dawn of the dead remake.which i thought (ok running zombies)but still was very good.
but im thinking home made flims from REAL gene freaks keep that fear going.
i have had a chats with wicked zombie friends and it all points to its all about human fear.
yes zombies bit, rip and look horrible but IT'S the fact we car'nt seem to hold it down as humans as a whole and united to fight .race,rich and poor in fact the whole world set up.
the legend "sir"george has it in a nut shell.i just wish more movie people would look at what makes us scared of zombies AND what they bring instead of loads of blood and guts.being on your own,the lost of loved ones,the fact you killed your loved ones.....etc etc.
im just wondering how the "zombie fan" think's about it.
Greatly said, Komrad. I have witnessed censorship practically melt away in recent years. Just think back to the 90's at how much gore you didn't see. Imagine if it stayed that way. Since the DVD format took over, you usually get to see the film in it's entirety, preserving the director's vision. And I have seen some sick shit in recent years.
Zombies are hot and of course you will have a lot of bombs out there. Thats what makes the good ones good.
yes joy.its just such a waste of dam good horror.with good acting, plot and the right amount of could and should walk away for a zombie flim,thinking and wishing you never find your self in the same sort of situasion as the flim you just watched.
just as any dawn,day and night movie.
knowing you own weakness and humanitys too.its all about fear.
ah yes the (fucking money making,totaly take the piss out of the good old vamps and werewolf flims).twilight shit saga.
good market!but should be banned to all adults that like good the person selling tickets should say"hello madam/sir do you like a good horror with meaning"?
"yes"?you reply
"Then please dont watch this shite"!
there should be a fuckin law against shit like that! ban that crap!god its a horror that is trying to be a near horror!
lets stop this rot!
ban the love story
my niece tried to get me to watch that "Twilight" shit. i fell asleep during the movies. thank god i didnt spend money at the theaters for that (and this is a compliment for this film series) diarrhea. the kid even asked why i was board. i looked at her and was honest. i told her that this series was the best example of gayness i ever saw in my life. *lights torch* "BURN TWILIGHT BURN!!!" i mean come on! the werewolves were fudge packing the vampires and the vampires wanted to return the favor but couldnt. and why you ask? because the werewolves bit off the vampires testicles. therefore lacking the BALLS to move on the act! and the only straight acting vampire had the hots for a mortal. fine and dandy except one thing. for a vampire who was supposed to have been alive for so long, he had the dating moves of a 12 year old kid!this series was the best example of a waste of film time i ever saw in my life. in a word. YYYYUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!! dare hav'nt even seen the flims.must admit i watched a trailer for it.
but to say that was enough is a not a vamp werewolf kind of fan.
maybe underworld as kate what ever her name is running around shooting things in her rubber cat suit.
but its zombies or nothing for me!
oh Joy. i got one you cant say that about. DARE I SAY IT?? here it is.....
yes. i said it. you like that movie and its not zombie or infection related. NYA NYA! LOL.
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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