Wicked Zombies


One thing that most people don't realize. What are you going to do for food???

When food does run out, [Can goods] how are you going to survive???

Turn Cowboy. That's right. In any city, you might have a zoo in which case you can tame the deer and maybe the elephants. Water Buffalo can fend for themselves.
Lions, tiger and other predators you might just want to avoid. Let them go for zombie meat.

Deer makes excellent livestock. So do rabbits. Check out any pet stores that you might have in your area. Rats can be made to be tasty.

Don't laugh. When the can goods run dry, you have to start raising your own or starve to death.





You can have your zombie fighters, but SOMEBODY WILL HAVE TO RAISE

Raid the local feed stores for seeds and grain. Cattle feed such as whole corn will sprout and so will wheat, soy, milo and rice.
You will also require seeds such as potatoes, more corn, squash, cucumbers etc...

Always make sure that you keep back of at least 20% of crops for planting the following year.

And that is just for the City!!

In the country, things will better and will be harder.
You and other scouts will have to rescue chickens from their hen houses.
Goats will have to be herded up and milked!! So will any dairy cows that you round up
It must be done by hand. With no power, you don't have any choice.
Guys, don't get creeped out. You all have handled titties before. These will require just a little bit more extra care.

Hogs also must be rounded up. Pork is a godsend. But you must have two different herds. One for production of meat. The other for security.
I have noticed that wild pigs and feral pigs in both Texas and Louisiana are dinning on the undead..They will chase them down for food!! So you better keep your hogs herds separated if you don't want funky tasting meat!!

Cattle will run wild and stay in their pastures as long as the fences hold. They will need water. So you and any other survivors must set up shop along a creek or river.
Make damn sure that you have plenty of grazing lands.

But only use as much land that your group can survive on.

Hunting will only go so far. The wild and feral pigs are always out deep in the bush.
You will have to start making your own fuel[Bio-Diesel].

Locate all sporting good stores. Supplies will be there. We got Bass Pro up in Springfield,Mo. Silver Dollar City, a Amusement Park with an 1880s theme will have the necessary supplies to survive on. Black Smith Shop, Wood working tools and equipment the can be run by water wheel or mule power.

They will also have fully stocked kitchen where you can acquire cooking utensils.
And the potters wheel can also be useful.

SDC can also be used as a base of operation. Marble Cave has running water all year long and you are not far from Table Rock Lake. More water and fishing.

Table Rock Lake is a tourist area and will be mobbed by undead.

Branson, Kimberling City, are both located near by. Big Cedar Lodge,[Just off hwy 86]
is in a isolated valley. It does have condos but is an easily defended position. Also on the lake.

The main point is that you have to set up an area to raise your crops and live stock and you must take care to defend it as well!!

Zombies, creatures that go bump in the night and raiders that prey on fellow survivors
must be dealt with.

You will have to set up a Keep system.
A Keep or Hold would be the central Farm house with heavy defenses. Outlying farms will also be defended but the main Keep will have storage facilities to store food.
Locate any such positions near any cave system. Arkansas and Missouri have plenty of them. The food and other supplies will last a long time and you can use the caves as
as hiding places. You might just have to stay down there a long time.

And you have to have Out Riders. These fellows guard the livestock at night during the day as well. They will also be defending the farms and all survivors

So COWBOY YOUR ASS THE HELL UP!!!! After all the dust settles we will all go back to 1880's style living. You might as well get used to it while your still fresh!

BTW.. Out Rider duty and Farming duties will be rotated so that nobody gets burnout!! Everyone will have to do their share.

Views: 53

Replies to This Discussion

wow this is very good information. i never thought about this kind of stuff. i will be looking forward to my rat burgers!
i like this post. it makes a lot of sence. all komradz should read this post and prepare using it for a basis.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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