Wicked Zombies


When we are in the apocalyptic world and we have a traitor who has been with the Komradz for a long time and has been great at it.I believe that they should deserve an honorable exaction than just being put into the pit or tourchered.
I have a list of honorable exactions that I want all Komradz to vote on and have a honorable exaction for the Komrad that desevers it.
1: A bushido style exaction,a Japanese Samurai exaction where they are stabbed in the gut and then have the head cut off.
2: Firing Squad,we all know what that is.
3: Old school decapitation, they are forced to bend down and extend their neck as the exactioner take a sword or machete and cuts off there head.

last one

4: They choose themselves,personally I believe this is the most honorable way(but not my fav.) because the will choose how they will be exacted and die the way they want to.

Remember you can only vote once.

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I vote #3,old school decapitation.
1. Seppuku (切腹?, "stomach-cutting") is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment. Seppuku was originally reserved only for samurai. Part of the samurai honor code, seppuku was used voluntarily by samurai to die with honor rather than fall into the hands of their enemies, as a form of capital punishment for samurai who have committed serious offenses, or for other reasons that have brought shame to them.

i would have to go with a firing squad. reason being if they would be so cowardly as to betray us, what makes you think that they will have what it takes to kill themselves samurai style? using a firing squad makes sure the job is done whether they want it or not and saves face for them to. not that a traitor deserves it.
but a true Komrad would not betray his fellow komradz no matter what. the one that would deserves no special treatment then a traitor we save and betrays us. a dishonorable act deserves a dishonorable death. firing squads or zombie pits would be the best way to dispose of a coward that betrays his people to personal greed or for any reason they would find to be a traitor. no quarter! no mercy!

i'm not saying that all must be a komrad brother. i understand that is fascism. but because we are talking a komrad who is turning on his or her own people, then the punishment for that crime should be as brutal and vicious as can be. and reason for this is simple to me. because we as komradz put our trust and our lives in the hands of each other. so for one komrad to betray another or all of us for that matter is a crime that should be treated with the utmost brutality. i mean if zday comes and a komrad turns on us and as a result twenty or more is killed. why let that fool choose how he gets to check out? thats like a reward to them. i just dont feel that any of the ways recomended above should be an option here. another reason i feel it should be handeled in the most brutal of manners is a more close to home reason. i mean think about the conditions we will be in. its only human nature for humans to form closer relations with some people then with others. some will be closer friends with others. some will fall in love with others and become life mates and may even have kids (i doubt there will be any ordaned komradz to preform a marriage). so say someone you got really close to got killed by this act of betrayal? or worse, a woman you formed a relationship with and had a kid or to with died because of that act. would you let that fool choose their way out then? or would you want to see that fucker suffer the tortures of the damned before checking out? if i for one lost be it a friend of wife to be because of some nutfucks treason. then i would want them to suffer a fate worse then death so bad that even HELL would cry for them. no sir. what we have here for choices just dont fit the crime here. they just dont fit. not for me.
i have always been an advocate for fair trial. every man or woman has that right. i just feel storngly against giving the convicted a choice when it comes to a death sentence. especially when it comes to ones that seem light considering the effects of what a traitor can do. and when it comes to when the dead walk only to eat the living. you cant afford even the least amount of weakness or clemancy for a traitor. examples must be set and to me, choosing ones way to die tells them we are open to a weakness due to having been in the ranks. if we are to be respected by friend and enemy alike. then we must treat all equally even if it means throwing a komrad turned traitor into a zombie pit. i remember many a post in the komradz discussion "TRAITORS OF THE STATE" where a lot of us voted to use the undead as a means of execution. so if we would be willing to throw a person we saved into a zed pit for treason (the same crime we are talking about now if a komrad should commit). then it should be that way acrossed the board for this crime for all be he or she a komrad or not. by doing this very thing. we prove to all that justice is truely blind and that possition in our ranks gives no special privilage. you do the crime. then you do the time. no matter what the time or sentence may be. true equality. like we all believe in.
4: They choose themselves,personally I believe this is the most honorable way(but not my fav.) because the will choose how they will be exacted and die the way they want to.

Let the traitors decide their fate just as they decided to be enemies of the people.
to me. the way they choose just will never do justice for the crime. i say to the zombie pit with them.
4: They choose themselves,personally I believe this is the most honorable way(but not my fav.) because the will choose how they will be exacted and die the way they want to.


The zombie pit.
i am still a BIG fan of the zombie pit. as the old woman said in the movie "ARMY OF DARKNESS".


when i heard that line. i had to laugh my ass off. to funny.
Personally, in this instance, I think the pit would be a barbaric and unnecessary punishment, designed to help rule by fear alone without actually accomplishing anything.

As this vote is for the treatment of an ex-Komrad, I would be in favour of torture, to find out of any possible attacks by neighbouring clans, vital information leaked or sold, etc, followed by an honourable execution by beheading.
I think that way, with the promise of a quick and merciful death, any information would be rapidly forthcoming, allowing us to deal with any imminent threat efficiently whilst still preserving a reputation among our allies and enemies for swift, deadly action.
It would also show that our actions were based not on anger and reaction, but discipline and law.

A much more potent combination.


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Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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