Wicked Zombies


The Zombie Apocalypse 2 Carlton Oregon Changed to Zombie Stock 2011

The second installment in my Zombie Apocalypse series, this time we are moving to a larger location. Our first location was on 40 acres and this time it will be on 170 acres. This new location is outside Carlton Oregon, about an hour and a half from Portland Oregon. We are getting as many vendors as we can find and hope to present this Horror Survival Game in a festival style setting. The survival games will run during the daylight hours and during the evening hours we will have food, makeup classes and plenty of photo opportunities. Camping will be Friday and Saturday nights with free coffee. We are looking at getting a 2 to 1 ratio of zombies to survivors. This event we will not be using any airsoft guns and there will be no need for eye or face protection. We will be using sound effects for our private security forces to add a bit of realism. I am trying to get the same independent cinematographer that created the trailer for "The Zombie Apocalypse 2".
Admission to this event will be $50.00. We will have at least 5 games on Saturday and right around 3 games on Sunday.
I am also working on getting a local chapter of a "zombie walk" group to flood the festival area and keep things interesting. We had 125 participants for our first event and would like to get at least double that amount.
We will have prizes on Sunday for zombies and survivors, "Best Dressed, Scariest, Most hardcore", and so on.
If anyone can offer up suggestions on who to contact to be guest speakers or who would like to attend this event to make it even better I would very much appreciate all the help.
Hope to see you all.

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So sorry we are so far away. I am going to continue this each year and hope to have some live bands playing at all of our events. Wish you could come.

Scenario 1

Friday August 6th 2010.

Virus Incubation Complete

The basic scenario is relaxed for the first game as both sides come together for the first time. This scenario has two parts.

Part 1

The Players:

Meet your opponents, the Zombie Horde. Learn their tactics and weak points as you come up against the Zombie Hordes for the first time. It’s a matter of numbers. Counting each time you are killed, versus each time you drop the zombie. At the end of the two-hour scenario you’ll compare notes. And find out how you’re till ratio agrees with your tactics. If you are killed six times, and kill 8 opponents. You’re basic till ratio is six to eight. Or 75%.

Part 2

Zombie Hordes:

The Zombie Hordes come out against its adversaries for the first time. You’re objective is to learn from your opponents and perfect you’re zombie behavioral patterns. Just like the Players, your kill ratio it is a matter of members. The 100% is just a 1 to 1 ratio. “which isn’t good” as you perfect your skills you will develop a 6/2 ratio which is 300%” 6 adversary kills, to 2 of your own” this is a good number/tactic to develop.

Scenario #2

Saturday August 7th 2010. 10am - 12:00 noon

The Mission, to be able to make it to the rescue point before the timer runs out. They are there, the zombies, walking, crouching and hiding, they are smarter than your average zombies. They knew you are coming, you are food for the feast, with only a little ammo in your guns, and unarmed survivors, you won't be able to hold off for long. The siren rings in your ears, it's "Go Time".

Scenario #3

Saturday August 7th 2010. 12:30 - 2:00pm

The Mission, to rescue 2 medical couriers that have become lost or stranded in an unknown location near the entrance to the property. Your job as a commander is to send out several search parties to locate, and secure the medical supplies that were sent by one of the few operating hospitals. There are no antidotes but there are other essential medicines.

Scenario #4

Saturday August 7th 2010. 2 PM - 4 PM

The Mission

Scenario #5

Saturday August 7th 2010. 4 PM - 6 PM
Writers block from hell. I would love a few ideas for Scenarios 4 and 5. I will keep running with this event until I determine that there will not be enough people from the area to make this a great event. Would love to get zombie walk folks but no luck so far. Maybe not everyone s "cup of tea".
Just wanted to inform everyone that my company, NW Tactical Adventures, is no longer affiliated with The Zombie Research Society. I am unable to change the URL for our website. Please forgive me, I am a newb.

Updates to information:

Scenario 1

Saturday July 30th 2011. 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

The Scared and Wounded arrive...

The basic scenario is relaxed for the first game as the vehicle convoys arrive. You, along with the protection of the Safe Zones armed security, help the scared and wounded to arrive at their new home.

The Survivors:

This will be the time where you form into teams and await further instruction.

The Zombies:

This will be the time for you to meet your zombie leaders and form into small and large hunting parties. Some of you will be fast movers and some will be barely standing, body parts falling off, you get the idea.  

You will not be able to observe the living while they are settling in, but we will let you know when you can feed. Once you are ready, you’re objective will be to learn from the habits and tactical reasoning of your food source and perfect you’re zombie behavioral patterns. 

Very important! Even though the survivors will be trying to navigate the woods, you can only react to the living if they make noise and you see them, some will be hiding behind obstacles and not making any noise, you cannot attack, but once movement occurs, all bets are off. But please don't get too carried away.

 Scenario #2

Saturday July 30th 2011. 10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON

The Mission:

 Survivors, you must be able to make it to the rescue point before the timer runs out. They are there, the Zombies, walking, crouching and hiding, everywhere, they are smarter than your average zombies. They can smell and you are food for the feast, with only your wits and organizational skills, whether or not you can lead a group of unarmed survivors, without members of your group going it alone, you won't be able to hold off for long. The siren rings in your ears, it's "Go Time".  


Scenario #3
Saturday  August 7th 2010. 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
The Mission:
To get your groups together, unarmed, you must try to locate and rescue 2 medical couriers that have become lost or stranded in an unknown location near the entrance to the property. Your job as a commander is to organize, instill trust in your team members and send out several search parties to locate, and secure the medical supplies that were sent by one of the few operating hospitals. There are no antidotes but there are other essential medicines.


 Scenario #4

Saturday July 30th 2011. 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The Mission: 

An Army Helicopter, with supplies has crashed, it is not known if there are any zombies at the crash site, but the crew is to known to be alive. One catch, the pilot is hurt and cannot walk. You must use the stretcher that has been provided to your group. You must choose two individuals to carry the injured pilot. You may ask, "why do we need the pilot?" Well, he has vital INTEL but is unresponsive and bleeding internally. You must get him to the safe zone. Don't worry, we will not ask you to do something difficult, just have fun with it. 

Be advised! The closer you get to the compound, the greater risk o being attacked by zombies.


Scenario # 5

Saturday July 30th 2011. 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM


The Mission: 

Perimeter Defensive Positions have come under attack. Our Security Forces are holding off the zombies, but there are too many and we are too few. Smoke Grenades are being deployed, gunfire is heard all around, from all directions. Try to stay together and behind our defense forces as long as you can. When all seems lost, we will get your groups together and head for the extraction point. Please don't panic.......Now you can PANIC!!! 



Gaming Ends for the day Saturday July 30th 2011. 6:00 PM 

Evening Festivities and Family Time Begin



Sunday July 31st 2011 

Sunday July 31st 2011 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM   Breakfast


Scenario # 1

Sunday July 31st 2011 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM


The Mission:


Sunday July 31st 2011 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM LUNCH


Scenario # 2

Sunday July 31st 2011 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

The Mission:

EVACUATION!! You and your teams must make it to the EVAC point that will be marked like a helicopter landing pad. Our contacts tell us that there will be helicopters arriving at 2:00 PM, we cannot confirm this, but this is our best guess. The security forces will form a defensive perimeter around you to hold off the remaining zombies. I have spoken with my men and we all accept the fact that this may be a suicide mission but this is what we have trained for, and our families would have been proud. Someone MUST make it out to start life over, and that would be YOU. 

We do know that there have been reports of other organized safe zones throughout the United States and we have contacted their commanders. They are ready and waiting for you. Please stay alive and protect each other.

I am very sorry that some of your friends or loved ones will not be going with you and we will make sure this never happens again. Approximately 30 minutes after you are in the air, there will be a very loud explosion and a very bright flash of light coming from where you have left, please do not look back, everything will be gone including any remaining zombies.



Closing ceremonies will begin just after final game which should not take too long. After that time, you can ready yourself to leave the event.


Updates will be posted as we get closer to event date.


This event looks exciting.
I wish you were having one closer to NYC!
I am working on taking our Zombie Survival Horror weekends on the road as soon as we get the bugs all worked out and sending out news releases with local papers to get as many zombies from the local communities as we can to make these events something you will not forget. One bit of news, we will no longer be using airsoft bbs but will be using 100% pain free infrared systems. The hunters will be able to destroy the zombie at around 2000 feet, but the shot must hit the head or the zombie will keep coming. Imagine this.....200 zombies against 25 humans, mmm good.
This sounds to good to be true! PLEASE bring this to the Tri-state area. NY/NJ/CT!
That would be a great idea and so much Zombie fun!
A Zombie weekend of sound! This event looks Amazing!
I am very sad to inform everyone the The Zombie Apocalypse 2 will be cancelled for 2010. I hope to take what recourses we have and apply all my efforts to the event in 2011.
outside Portland. It's been tough knowing where to advertise for zombies. I must not give up.


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WICKED ZOMBIES members appreciation.

The WICKED member who has unyielding Dedication and Loyalty to the KOMRADZ:


The WICKED member who has Outstanding Constancy:

Jessie W. Garrett III

The WICKED member who Contributed the most Original Zombie Discussions and Replies:


They will receive a WICKED ZOMBIES Goody Box with Wicked Treats.

Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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