Wicked Zombies


You never really know if they are empty. There are always the living, and the dead shambling around to worry about. My personal recommendations:
Surround and check out a house thoroughly before approaching then enter.

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thats why i say hit a house in a 6 person team. more eyes and safty in numbers. you just cant lose that way.

absolutely! this is a definate must when raiding. we could find things like antibiotics, pain killers, alergy medicines, and bandages. not to mention medicated creams and salves.
i would recomend raiding for those first. otherwise raiding for the other things would be a moot point. just my humble opinion.
sometimes the shit hits the fan while preparing ahead of time so scavenging is a needed thing to do at times.
Not really enough time to check out an apartment, going in with a well trained team of komradz should be enough, 2 to a team, and you separate to clear the home.
I would look for prescription meds.Houses are bound to have them.Some people that suffer certain ailments that need daily meds would run out & a stock would need to be kept.I myself would need epilepsy meds & inhalers,daily.
a good place to raid for these kind of meds would be (and i hate to say this) is a nursing home and not a standard house. a lot of times people with relatives with these conditions that have them real bad get put there. as a result a nursing home is a veritable smorgasboard for meds like these. i did a 30 day stint in one for blood poisoning in both legs so i know all about these places. they have every med known to man from antibiotics, pain killers, breathing meds, epilepsy meds, even alzhiemers medications. if there is a condition, they got the pill for it. so this would be the place to go for a good supply of meds. next place and the most dangerous is a hospital. drop dead last resort would be a pharmacy because this place would be the first place hit by people like us raiding for supplies or raiding to get meds for trading for things they couldn't find before.
this is fine and dandy idea here brother. but you need to keep in mind one thing. the average person is NOT an experianced scavenger. so this is going to be a whole new thing for a lot of us here. so when it comes to finding a "person who knows what they are doing" goes. i wish you luck brother. because that is knowledge passed on by word of mouth.
Beware of hunger animals when entering (empty) homes.

this is a good point. a starving german sheppard can make a real bad day for the person who least suspects it.

Bonus points for those prepared to enter the homes of senior citizens.

They hoard everything including food and medications!!! 

I personally live in a 14 story apartment building which is prominently elderly people. 

Once the Zpoc hits, and I'm in a position of survival of the fittest, I will survive and raid their stockpiles!

Sorry Grandma.

 Some Grandmas still make their own preservatives, and they have a lifetime worth of kitchen supplies, utensils and recipes! :)

Also, seniors have a tendency to hideaway valuables like jewelry or old coins. Could be useful for bargaining or buying safe passage if you need to move.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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