Palido and I trotted along a gravel road which was more of a path than a road. I figured I was damn close to the town all of a sudden there was some rustling it took me a second to realize where it was coming from. Two Z's popped out of the bush and started stumbling towards Palido I drew my pistol shot both of them in the head and holstered it before they hit the ground. Palido gave an appreciative gruff and we began to trot until we came to a clearing which was the town.
I swear to you Palido started sauntering when we got near. He just had a different walk to him something I'd never seen before but I just smiled. I suddenly felt guns on me, I was suddenly very annoyed, I hate having a gun pointed at me 'specially when I didn't do anything besides walk into a damn town. But nothing happened and I tied Palido to a horse stock and walked into a bar. I smiled and thought a gringo walks into a mexican bar. The bar was dim but not dark I noticed 5 guys probably mid 20's at one end of the bar and the barkeep at the other. I walked to the barkeep and asked "What goes for cash 'round here?" the Barkeep looked up from the glass he was cleaning and said "Whadda got to barter stranger?" I gave him a grin and reached into my pocket and smacked a gold piece on the bar. Barkeep asked "Whadda want?" I replied "I want my horse cleaned, shoed, and fed, I want a room at the hotel, a good meal, as much food as my horse can carry along with .44 ammo, I want a new pair of boots, and a shot of whiskey. Barkeep gave a tired look and asked "That all?" I said "For now."
Then I got that feeling of eyes on my back and I turned those 5 guys were staring right at me I walked away from the bar the 5 did as well. One said "That's a a lot of money you got there how bout you give us some?" I smiled and said "Not a chance in hell." The boy said "Well then I guess I'll have to take it from you then." I got deadly serious and said "I'm faster than you could ever hope to be boy don't test me." The 5 were suddenly deadly serious too I smiled and gave the one who spoke a wink. He was angrey he drew but I was quicker, I shot all 5 of them dead center and holstered my pistol again. All 5 were dead when they hit the deck.
I flicked a gold piece at the barkeep and said "Sorry bout the mess." He gave an appreciative nodded and poured me a shot of whiskey I downed it in one gulp and said "Much obliged, where can I take my horse and where's the rooms?" Barkeep said "Rooms are upstairs, stable is out back, the boot store is building over, the gun store is across the way, and there's a nice cantina down the road a piece." I nodded and walked back outside. I said to Palido "Little trouble but nothing we can't handle partner." I walked him over to the stable told them what I wanted done and if they whipped my horse god have mercy on them because I won't. They got it.
I then walked over to the boot store and caught they're last pair of boots for the price of a silver coin. I got my bullets and a new cleaning kit for a bit of gold, and ate a fantastic meal of corned beef and rice. It was dark now as I began walking back to my room. There was a man in the road and he said to me "You killed those boys in the bar is that right stranger?" I said "They drew on me first and tried to rob me I was in the right." the man who I assumed was a sheriff of some sort said "I don't care you either give me your guns or I take them from you." I gave a sigh "Listen I don't want anymore trouble but your not getting my guns."
The sheriff didn't like that he didn't like it one bit. He tried to draw his gun but he had the holster strap on it. I had my gun drawn before he even grabbed his. I walked up to him with my gun point from my hip right at his head. I said to him "I could've fucking ended you right now you sonofabitch, I told you didn't want any fucking trouble but you had to kep pushing didn't you?" I whirled my gun round my finger and holstered it by then the man had almost drawn his pistol. I punched him right in the jaw and said "I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT ANY FUCKING TROUBLE!" I kicked him for good measure and walked away. I didn't want any damn trouble and I didn't start it anyway.
I walked into the bar again and asked the barkeep "This town usually this unwelcoming to strangers?" the barkeep said "I didn't tell you this before but you seem like a nice enough fellow how do you think they've survived this long?" I shrugged "How?" the barkeep said "They first started off with just killing all the new people and taking they're stuff, but after a while they started eating the people, the food you had was the meal they intended to feed you as your last."
I asked "I'm gonna need a drink." Just as I finished my shot I heard Palido shriek "SHIT" I ran out the back and saw Palido getting whipped by the stabler there was also a guy aiming a rifle right at his head. They're gonna eat him like they're tried to eat you. I yelled "HEY" the man with the rifle aimed it at me I drew shot him before he could get a shot off. The stabler stumbled back I said to him "I warned you." I tied his legs together and tied him to the back of Palido. I started galloping down the main drag and yelled "GO TO HELL YOU SONSABITCHES!" dragging the stabler a good quarter mile I cut the rope turned Palido around and shot the man right in the gut. Gave him some time to think about what he did and how I warned him.
"And his strength failed him at length he met a pilgrim shadow shadow said he where can it be this land of el dorado? Over the mountains of the moon down the valley of shadow ride boldy ride if you seek to find El Dorado!"
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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