Wicked Zombies


Who's Seeing World War Z When It Opens?

I didn't make the midnight show, but if all goes as planned, I'll see it this morning at 11:30.  Can't wait!

I'll let people know what I think.

R.J. Spears

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Comment by saint.357 on July 2, 2013 at 5:44pm

first off you don't know what your talking about, the point of bootlegging a movie is not to pay anything to see it. do you think i was talking about buying one of those bootlegged DVDs on the street. hell no man, everything's free on the internet if you look hard enough. and i don't know where you live but movies aint no six bucks, and where the hell do you even find matinee's anymore. despite the ticket price which is not over ten bucks, not counting 3-d or imak places. like i really want to sit in a crowded theater with somebody coughing on the back of my neck and that one fucking guy that never shuts the hell up through out the whole thing. and not all of us can afford to go to the movies every time something we wanna see comes out. that ten bucks buys my family dinner for another night. and pirating is a billion dollar industry of it's own, it's how people disenfranchised all over the world support themselves and their family's. and buy the way according to a report by the government on effect of piracy on the economy.

Some authors have argued that companies that experience revenue losses in one line of business—such as movies—may also increase revenues in related or complementary businesses due to increased brand awareness,” the report states.

“For instance, companies may experience increased revenues due to the sales of merchandise that are based on movie characters whose popularity is enhanced by sales of pirated movies.”

Another aspect that was mentioned is the positive impact piracy has on the revenues of third party companies. The example of routers is given in the report, but it is not hard to see that Apple’s iPod might also have benefited from the availability of pirated music.

“One expert also observed that some industries may experience an increase in demand for their products because of piracy in other industries. This expert identified Internet infrastructure manufacturers (e.g., companies that make routers) as possible beneficiaries of digital piracy, because of the bandwidth demands related to the transfer of pirated digital content,” the report reads.

One of the most interesting benefits of piracy mentioned in the report is that it encourages innovation, since this is the exact opposite of what copyright holders always argue. Unfortunately for consumers, this innovation is not always aimed at making a better product.

“While competitive pressure to keep one step ahead of counterfeiters may spur innovation in some cases, some of this innovation may be oriented toward anticounterfeiting and antipiracy efforts, rather than enhancing the product for consumers.”

the world aint os cut and dry so don't force your Some authors have argued that companies that experience revenue losses in one line of business—such as movies—may also increase revenues in related or complementary businesses due to increased brand awareness,” the report states.

“For instance, companies may experience increased revenues due to the sales of merchandise that are based on movie characters whose popularity is enhanced by sales of pirated movies.”

Another aspect that was mentioned is the positive impact piracy has on the revenues of third party companies. The example of routers is given in the report, but it is not hard to see that Apple’s iPod might also have benefited from the availability of pirated music.

“One expert also observed that some industries may experience an increase in demand for their products because of piracy in other industries. This expert identified Internet infrastructure manufacturers (e.g., companies that make routers) as possible beneficiaries of digital piracy, because of the bandwidth demands related to the transfer of pirated digital content,” the report reads.

One of the most interesting benefits of piracy mentioned in the report is that it encourages innovation, since this is the exact opposite of what copyright holders always argue. Unfortunately for consumers, this innovation is not always aimed at making a better product.

“While competitive pressure to keep one step ahead of counterfeiters may spur innovation in some cases, some of this innovation may be oriented toward anticounterfeiting and antipiracy efforts, rather than enhancing the product for consumers.”

pirates help fuel this economy and if we stop everybody loses so don't force your cooky cutter morality on the rest of us. freedom of the people! 

Comment by Brian de Castro on July 2, 2013 at 5:24pm

Why would anyone spend any money to watch an illegal, bootleg of a movie, when you can go to a matinee and pay maybe $6? And see a movie that cost over $100 Million to make! That's a pretty good value. It's maybe one thing to seek out a bootleg of a film that's not available in the country, but another for a movie that's playing everywhere in theaters. Bootlegging certainly doesn't help the industry, and it doesn't help the quality of the movies we see either.

Comment by saint.357 on July 2, 2013 at 1:55am

wait you never saw a zombie movie before world war z? not even the original night of the living dead?! dude thats practically blasphemy. you go watch the holly trinity right now! I'm sorry but you can't call yourself a zombie fan if you haven't watched night, dawn and day!

Comment by Ace Antonio Hall on July 2, 2013 at 1:43am

I loved it. Truly, I have never watched a zombie film and my stomach was tied in knots 90 percent of the time. It was plot driven and was well made. It makes me proud to love the genre--that and The Walking Dead are wonderful examples of undead artistry that adds to the genre and not saturate it. It makes me want to write in a manner consistent with excellence. #WorldWarZ kicked butt!

Comment by saint.357 on July 1, 2013 at 6:28pm

well thankfully someone who actually knew what they were doing bootlegged the movie. i in joyed it it's far from the book so if you go in comparing the too your going to be disappointed. but it did take some things from the book. being quite, the zombies being able to climb over each other to get over a wall of course brooks said it would take months to years. using bikes and other stuff. even the plot whiles he's traveling to these different places to get story's is the same as the book. i was very intrigued by the notion of using a deadly infection as zek camouflage. it's unique, and while i don't care for fast zombies. i even have a bumper sticker that says fast zombies suck. i know why director use them.they turn a suspense driven story into an action one. i mean really with the limit time frame of a movie it would have been impossible to tell the story's. i mean how long do you think it would have taken Israel to fall if the zombies where shamble's? it just wouldn't have worked. anyway i like the movie, it even had some good zombie survival tips. like the jury rigged forearm and leg guards made out of magazines and cardboard. sure they won't stop zek if he grabs a hold and really digs in. but for a quick bit of protection while you swig your weapon of just to bash one away it's worth it.

Comment by saint.357 on June 27, 2013 at 11:49pm

damn i really want to see it but i don't have money to waste on the ticket price and the only bootleg looked like a three year old with add took it on the first cellphone camera ever made!!! ahh what happened to the days when people took pride in videotaping a movie for bootlegging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Komrad Venessa Wicked☭ on June 27, 2013 at 11:23pm

I just came from seeing WWZ and I have to admit that I LOVED it! My stomach was in knots throughout the entire movie. 

Comment by Zombie Killa on June 22, 2013 at 11:25pm

Did anyone else see it? I am going on Wednesday and I can't wait! 

Comment by KOMRAD RHINO☭ on June 22, 2013 at 1:29am

i am going to see it tomorrow. I CANT FUCKING WAIT!!! lol. i been wait so long for this day to come.

Comment by saint.357 on June 21, 2013 at 5:39pm

would love to see it but saving up to see the man him self George Romero at this con. keeping my fingers crossed for a god bootleg though.

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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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